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ipostsmaller t1_j3x2q9c wrote

Trying to get over my social anxieties, gonna plan on going to a new place every week be it some adventure sport, art gallery or Restaurant cause fuck it I've had enough


Queen-of-meme t1_j3x6zg9 wrote

As a fellow social anxiety person, I support you! I joined drama class to fight my social anxiety.


ipostsmaller t1_j3zxkw3 wrote

I'm planning on an art gallery visit near my home this Sunday and I'll probably take windsurfing classes this month. All the best to you too!!!


Queen-of-meme t1_j3x7hfl wrote

If I'm smiling when I'm sad I'm also gonna confuse myself. I prefer hard cry for 15 minutes and then get back up.


blueangel93 t1_j3xjxnf wrote

As someone who enjoys doing things and annoying people out of spite, this is highly motivational to me.


[deleted] t1_j3yvhwm wrote

This sounds like a drunk leaving a voice to text


HotHamBoy t1_j3zelzq wrote

Say it was you who farted, even if it wasn’t


These_Row4913 t1_j4bmy0x wrote

Do the right thing, no matter what others think. Love yourself. Love others. Seek to understand, process, and care for your own emotional wellbeing. Live your life, you only get one. Kindness and patience come from, and lead to, understanding. Do the right thing, no matter what others say. Be gentle, be cautious, be caring. Our stories often end abruptly, unexpectedly, and without our choice in the matter; but until that end, you can choose who you are and how you want to act.