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SKlLLZ t1_j3yvo33 wrote

Love this quote. Stay liquid!


Moag14 t1_j3zgzvc wrote

Eh, it’s okay to be able to adapt to situations but you gotta have some sort of values/goals to be rigid about.

Sometimes we can’t avoid being pushed in a certain direction and that’s when adapting matters but when given the chance we can think and change direction if the place we are headed to doesn’t align with our values.


TechcraftHD t1_j409dim wrote

Help, became water, got stuck behind a dam


publius2023 t1_j40fvqe wrote

This metaphor breaks down when you consider tsunami’s are made of water and can force their way through anything


No-Plastic-7715 t1_j4kbh6g wrote

Gather enough water and channel it just right and you can be a force to be reckoned with. Tsunamis are just water taking the shape of at least 7 on the Richter scale of tectonic pressure around it, a pretty serious earthquake.

The exact same water that makes a tsunami can also be an expansive but barely rippling pool if that's the energy around it.


RevNut t1_j3z4fto wrote

Be the Ocean


datazulu t1_j3zchpc wrote



ladyp33 t1_j3zcifa wrote

If I followed this I think I would be married in the next year or 2.


LordTonka t1_j3z57cp wrote

Choose the path of least resistance, but when under pressure become powerful.


concrete-Angel19xx t1_j3zjfv5 wrote

Water can also be extremely dangerous when under lots of pressure, though. It can literally blast through stone


-Lysergian t1_j3zu2fm wrote

I tried this, but she froze me out... I cracked.


Drakeytown t1_j4025t7 wrote

one does not obtain food-safety freedom by instinct alone... animal consciousness does not extend beyond the given moment nor into the idea that its victims may become extinct... the animal destroys and does not produce... animal pleasures remain close to sensation levels and avoid the perceptual... the human requires a background grid through which to see his universe... focused consciousness by choice, this forms your grid... bodily integrity follows nerve-blood flow according to the deepest awareness of cell needs... all things/cells/beings are impermanent... strive for flow-permanence within...

Frank Herbert, Dune


gwmjr t1_j40gphn wrote

Be like Booze. This way when you get hit with a Karate chop the pain won't be as brutal.


HappyHighwayman t1_j42549p wrote

Bruce Lee was taken down by a headache tablet


deathbyBayshore t1_j4yz5pj wrote

this makes me slightly horny for some reason


mackdiezel t1_j3zec5r wrote

Bruce was a little too much water, considering that’s what likely killed him.