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Lost_vob t1_j490guz wrote


Lost_vob t1_j49l3ql wrote

  1. Browning did rent room from Edison at the menlow park complex, he even did those infamous electrocutions Edison is often blamed for, but he didn't invent the chair. A dentist (whose name escapes me, southwick maybe) invented it. He even had a backstory on where he got the idea. Edison was hiring by the state of New York as a consultant to see if the chair was more humane than hanging.

  2. They listed 4 different guys as who Edison "stole" camera from. You know what they call it when you take several previous inventions and use them for newer or better tech?Inventing. Science doesn't happen in a vacuum. Everything invented is based off someone's previous work. Sometimes where historians choose to draw the line and say "this guy was the original" is arbitrary. Did apple steal the iPhone because they didn't invent the phone, PDAs, and touch screens?

  3. This is true, and it also gives credit to Edison. This is exactly what I said in 2?

  4. Back to 2 again. This is splitting hairs. He too something that played sound and added functionality for recording and playing back. That's pretty substantial. They term "record" is extremely vague and referencing a family of technology. If that term is what's being debated, then yeah, the you're not going to get an accurate answer.

  5. So... he manufactured and sold a product? How is this a mark against him? Most people didn't have electricity in the home, so he needed batteries to sell most of his products.

  6. What? Where is the argument where? It's just a summary of Edison history with x-ray.

  7. Ngl, I have never heard of this attribution. From a fast search, I don't see Edison himself taking credit for it. I see Edison finding from new uses for it and other people giving him credit.

  8. Edison even took credit for DC. The whole "Edison made DC, Tesla made AC" thing is bogus. Neither made neither people made the currents before them, and their specific Inventions I'm this category are both technological dead ends. "The war of the Currents" wasn't between Edison and Tesla or even Edison and Westinghouse. It was between Pulitzer and Hearst. The "Which current is better and safer" debate was taking place in every lab and university and work shop around the globe. But not every lab and university and work shop was in reach of the circulation wars. The "war" was a sensational story, for the tech guys it was Business as usual.


Prize_Huckleberry_79 t1_j4bu1pr wrote

The only sane and accurate comment in this entire thread. Most of these yo-yos here get their history from “10 inventions Edison stole from Tesla” bro-science bullshit videos.