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LilMzB t1_j47yzsm wrote

I (47f) was diagnosed this year too. Check out the videos of Dr. Russell Barkley on YouTube. It's eye opening stuff.

In the meantime...

Lists. But you need to break everything down as much as possible. For example, you need to clean the bathroom. So - toilet, inside and out, tub/shower, sink, empty trash bin, wash bin, wash floor, shake out rugs. Small items.

Charts. Do one for sections of life. Morning routine. Bedtime routine. Stickers or check marks for every one you get done. Have rewards for yourself based on how many stickers you earn.

Routines. Everything you can make a routine, the easier things will come to you.

Lastly, carry a small notepad. Write down things as you think of them. You know you'll forget them if you don't. Don't depend on your phone. It's a big distraction and time suck.