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the_other_irrevenant t1_j4b381o wrote

Everyone should choose to be immediately suspicious of anyone who says there are only two, highly specific, choices.


ReinventedOne t1_j4bh98w wrote

Right. "There is one thing or the other, nothing else" is always an illusion.


what_that_thaaang_do t1_j4bspae wrote

But that's not this. This is "between these two choices, it's one or the other," aka they are mutually exclusive (although this is not necessarily true, just the point being made in the post)


tracksuitbrobro t1_j4b7y36 wrote

Like certainly if you were born rich this statement falls flat


Blackshirts98 t1_j4c1b9h wrote

How? They might inherit money but without discipline and purpose they likely won’t be happy


tracksuitbrobro t1_j4hvbha wrote

That’s not how our society works if you’re rich nice sentiment but no.


Blackshirts98 t1_j4hwtfk wrote

I mean yea it is. Pleasure doesn’t create lasting happiness. Money makes it easier to be happier but to a point. Studies have shown after like 110k/the ability to live comfortably money brings minimal happiness


tracksuitbrobro t1_j4hx5ee wrote

Sure but to say you need discipline for any of those tasks just to keep yourself occupied is completely false


Blackshirts98 t1_j4hxdsl wrote

Discipline isn’t to keep yourself occupied. Discipline is necessary to achieve any long term goal, even if you have advantages like money.

Some people need less discipline to achieve things 100%


tracksuitbrobro t1_j4hxh98 wrote

Exactly I’m saying you do not need discipline if you’re rich


Blackshirts98 t1_j4hxlnv wrote

Well you must have not read my message. I’m saying you need discipline no matter what to succeed, but you may just need less depending on circumstances


tracksuitbrobro t1_j4hxvws wrote

You’re right you need the discipline to not blow all your funds on stupid shit, and to care for yourself. Other then that if you’re rich it’s just for vanity purposes