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PhinsGraphicDesigner t1_j4wbi7b wrote

I’m here to back up Scandalous Socialist. This is some legitimately good advice, and it’s a shame to see people downvoting this when it could actually help a lot of people.

I think you would really like the book “Thinking Fast and Slow” by Daniel Kahneman, although maybe you’ve already read it.

It talks about a somewhat similar concept that humans have 2 types of thinking. Type 1 is unconscious, quick biases, and rapid thinking. Things we don’t really have to think about much. Something like small talk or walking. Type 2 is more intense, conscious, deeper thinking. This is something like a complex math problem. The human brain is lazy and tries whenever possibly to use type 1 thinking. This is probably 90% of our thinking. Type 2 is harder and happens less frequently.

Much like this meme, we like to think we are always rational type 2 thinkers, but really most of our lives is dictated by type 1. We go around in our life using type 1 thinking until a more complex problem arises that requires type 2 thinking.