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Technologytwitt t1_j4zo9nc wrote

Don't lie... there are hundreds of thousands of people, millions who are alone and will never find "the right people". Accept that or it will always be in the back of your mind & get worse.


JDBCool t1_j512s5n wrote

This is more of a "work motivator" tbh.

Smart people know to leave at 1st opportunity at work for another job elsewhere after probation.

All it takes is 1 sour worker to ruin a team if you can't kick them out because of neopolitism.

And a "friend finder" as well. "Real friends" find ways to put up with your BS. It ain't gonna be a marriage partner, but at least a drinking buddy.


badmojo6000 t1_j515nx2 wrote

But what if you are naturally a horrible person? And people are telling you so that you evolve and grow into a better person?

Before you say, "Well then no one will come to you." What if you're a horrible person who is super charismatic, narcissistic, super-good looking, funny, and charming... but still. evil, terrible, and horrible person with massive halo effect.

Is it really that important to NEVER listen to other people? Sometimes... other people are right.


Tovar42 t1_j52nr95 wrote

lol no. you have to make people be around you, no one ever makes any effort to be close


Bland-fantasie t1_j52omjm wrote

Good advice to externalizer and rationalize my personality defects that others correctly avoid.


Oudeis16 t1_j534ebn wrote

It's not a binary. Your options aren't "totally fake" or "drive everyone away with your unvarnished personality." A period of politeness and civility and getting to know someone and letting them get to know you is good and healthy.

Advice like "just show everyone all the bits of you, all at once, without context" is a great way to stay alone forever, and attitudes like "the right people will immediately like you, so if someone doesn't love everything about you from day 1 you should cut them out of your life entirely" are toxic.


[deleted] t1_j537916 wrote

Best off to avoid people as much as possible.


loskillers t1_j53viv9 wrote

If only 0,01% in the world likes you, its 700.000 people


NoCareBear1 t1_j5ebnix wrote

Not true, sometimes you do that and end up alone, no wife, no friends, no dog, no coworkers that like you..etc it happens more than u think.