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parabolicurve t1_j5lz5z3 wrote

This sounds like the kind of thing you'd hear at an MLM meeting.


twohundred37 t1_j5mbmqe wrote

Rule to follow playing blackjack: Never split tens (Don't turn a good hand into a bad hand). Better show this to some degenerate gamblers!


Pm_Ur_SFW_Tits t1_j5mjqk5 wrote

When I was 12, I literally wrote in my journal that I was afraid of progress because I "didn't want what good life I had to get ruined on the way".

Idk why I was so self aware... I need that kid back in my life.


naavifallafel t1_j5npedl wrote

I literally cannot stop farting. Please call a 911.


tylerm11_ t1_j5okaj9 wrote

You’re right. Im leaving my wife for the hot secretary at work. Thank you!


roaming_outlaw t1_j5oplxr wrote

You never know what's on the other side, but we owe it to ourselves to see!


Ferintwa t1_j5pdt8t wrote

I prefer the opposite advice. Don’t let perfect be the enemy of good.