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fabberkraut t1_j5nshcm wrote


Caedawen t1_j5nx3iu wrote

I was hoping to see this linked. I had read it a while ago and it did a great job of explaining what happened. Thank you for sharing it.


MKE_abroad t1_j5o63ow wrote

Definitely a heavy read. But fuck man, it's so well written. A truly beautiful and elequently written piece that just echos with both love and grief.


musicalsigns t1_j5of4dt wrote

Thank you for sharing this. The loss of Robin still hurts, even though I never knew him personally. It feels like one of the brightest lights on earth went out that day. My mother was recently diagnosed with Parkinson's. It's been heavy and while this scared the hell out of me, it was also comforting to know we're not alone in these neurological battles.

Thanks again.


StakDoe t1_j5p3ox2 wrote

Thank you for sharing this. I knew he had some form of dementia but I never realized just how severe his symptoms became over time. I can almost feel the relief over her words, she no longer has to live and die based on his functioning. Such a bittersweet end to such a wonderful man's life. Thank you again.