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Crafty_Sherbet_4317 t1_j5pjotc wrote

Is there anything that interests you, or that you generally like?

I retired a year ago, and after years of 60 hour workweeks, I was thinking, "Now what?" I've always loved nature. I've embraced that, and it has led me to other things. I like to walk in the woods. I walk paths, and enjoy nature slowly. Sometimes, I want to hurry. So, I bike the paths and enjoy nature faster. From there, I met more bicyclists and I ended up in a weekly group ride.

It's cold here now, and I've started sewing reusable table napkins to replace the paper towels and napkins that were going into the trash 3+ times a day. I have bird feeders up, and every morning I eagerly check the Ring videos to see what critters have gone through our yard overnight.

It's nothing earth shattering or far reaching, but it gives me joy. And that's enough for me.


AssPuncher9000 t1_j5pvjgz wrote

I think that's what a lot of people don't realize. True happiness is mudane, it's not anything earth shattering or overpowering. It's a day to day thing, small bits at a time slowly. With ups and downs and everything in-between, but it feels like we've been conditioned to expect some level of engagement and fulfilment that just doesn't seem to be sustainable or achievable.


Crafty_Sherbet_4317 t1_j5qd314 wrote

Yes, look at Facebook or Instagram. Everyone is posting their "best side." Stepping away from social media is the fastest mood enhancer I can think of.