Submitted by svedge_weed t3_10kaeg0 in GetMotivated

Hi everyone I'm new here. My problem is i don't have any reason at all to live. My life lost any meaning it could've had. I can't chase religion, or a career, and don't have any interest in chasing something like that. I lived my whole life without a meaning, but I was sure that it would've come to me during time. After a lot of thinking i recently came to the conclusion that life itself has no meaning at all, unless someone is willing to give a personal meaning to it. I do not want to kill myself or anything like that, i just feel like a robot doing things without knowing why, and that's really exhausting. I do not know what to do anymore, how do I find a reason to wake up smiling and not like this? Thanks in advance to anyone who will answer Edit: wow guys i didn't even expect so many answers, thank you allšŸ™šŸ™ā¤ļø



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Crafty_Sherbet_4317 t1_j5pjotc wrote

Is there anything that interests you, or that you generally like?

I retired a year ago, and after years of 60 hour workweeks, I was thinking, "Now what?" I've always loved nature. I've embraced that, and it has led me to other things. I like to walk in the woods. I walk paths, and enjoy nature slowly. Sometimes, I want to hurry. So, I bike the paths and enjoy nature faster. From there, I met more bicyclists and I ended up in a weekly group ride.

It's cold here now, and I've started sewing reusable table napkins to replace the paper towels and napkins that were going into the trash 3+ times a day. I have bird feeders up, and every morning I eagerly check the Ring videos to see what critters have gone through our yard overnight.

It's nothing earth shattering or far reaching, but it gives me joy. And that's enough for me.


AssPuncher9000 t1_j5pvjgz wrote

I think that's what a lot of people don't realize. True happiness is mudane, it's not anything earth shattering or overpowering. It's a day to day thing, small bits at a time slowly. With ups and downs and everything in-between, but it feels like we've been conditioned to expect some level of engagement and fulfilment that just doesn't seem to be sustainable or achievable.


Crafty_Sherbet_4317 t1_j5qd314 wrote

Yes, look at Facebook or Instagram. Everyone is posting their "best side." Stepping away from social media is the fastest mood enhancer I can think of.


izzymaxwell t1_j5peu2s wrote

Volunteering helped me feel useful when I was in a phase where I truly felt worthless.


dennislubberscom t1_j5qftg0 wrote

You seem like a wise person. I'm not sure how old you are, but your perspective on life resonates with me. I can only share my own story with you. Perhaps it will inspire you, or perhaps it won't.

But when I began living from my heart, my life took on new meaning. It's hard to put into words, but from then on I knew what I needed to do. Before that, I used to define myself by my profession (as a film director), but now I see myself in terms of my life's purpose.

The funny thing is, I couldn't have found this meaning by thinking about it. I tried, but it's something that needs to be felt. My big realisation was that the moment I think I could not really feel anymore.

I found my heart by embracing and feeling the pain in my life, the pain of love and life. I was able to do this because of a quote I heard: "You have to keep breaking your heart until it opens." Now, my heart is open and I feel both pain and passion, and it is the passion that guides me to my true purpose.

I wish you luck in finding your own meaning, it's a wonderful journey that not many people undertake. The world needs people who question the meaning of life so that they can bring meaning to it.


svedge_weed OP t1_j5qgfpv wrote

Bro I'd hug you if you were here. I'm 21 btw. Thanks for sharing your story, it will definitely inspire me


RegalBeagle2013 t1_j5rmee1 wrote

OP, Iā€™m 24M and in much of the same rut as you. Iā€™m searching for something that will give me and understanding of life and how Iā€™m meant to live it. The honest answer I recently came to understand is that we can be anything or nothing at all, and thatā€™s overwhelming as fuck. Our greatest power and our most devastating reality is our capability to carve our own path into history, and that can be daunting for me a lot of the time. I picked up a habit of reading Epictetus, Aurelius and Seneca, and Stoicism has at least helped me process my feelings and applying some sense of life into my daily habits. Itā€™s a huge world and honestly I question whether or not life would be much simpler if I was a rural farmer in the past having his life in front of him with tunnel vision and nothing else. But this is where weā€™re at and in the world we live in, and we have to find some way to cope with that.


NotTheZucc t1_j5pegmg wrote

You're right, life inherently has no meaning. What I found that keeps me going is goals, however small they may be. You have to find your next goal and keep going at it, and when you achieve that, find another goal and keep going at it. I know it sounds very cliche, but this is what keeps me going. IDK if this helps or not, it is what it is.


svedge_weed OP t1_j5peq8b wrote

Sure it helps bro. Just seeing other people having a reason (even if it doesn't make sense to me) gives me hope that i will find mine one day. Thanksā¤ļø


skywalker3827 t1_j5r7ph6 wrote

This might be silly, but have you seen the movie "Soul"? It really transformed how I was looking at my own search for meaning and kind of helped normalize how I was feeling like everyone else had found their purpose and I just couldn't seem to find mine.


olivejuice1979 t1_j5qq8gq wrote

My advice:

Get away from social media and pick up some hobbies away from the internet.

I only have Reddit because itā€™s anonymous. It really fucked me up having Facebook, Instagram, tik tok etc. I would see how happy everyone was and I would think ā€˜why am I not like that?ā€™ Id post to be like these happy people but I wasnā€™t.

I started deleting my social media apps one by one, no one cared that I stopped posting either.Iā€™ve been much happier since!

I hope this helps you.


farachun t1_j5s42w7 wrote

Hugs! You matter, ok? Cause I feel the same.


TriangleBaller t1_j5pgr7f wrote

Motivation can only get you so far. Spend some time meditating, reading some books (I'm currently reading The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho. I recommend it) and journalling daily or as often as you can. You will discover more about yourself as you spent time with yourself. Then you will have proper reason to live.

Once you figure out a reason to do things you will have more willpower to do things daily


svedge_weed OP t1_j5phgml wrote

Thank you. I already read (I'll give a look at your book after i end Psychology and alchemy by Jung) and meditate and it helps, and i will definitely try journaling. I agree with your point of view


Leayla t1_j5qemw0 wrote

I recently read The Midnight Library, it did have a lot of cliche lines in it, but my friend said it really helped with that line of thinking. Can also recommend The Alchemist, it helped me through that time in my life.


Important-Nobody-Hi t1_j5sl5bo wrote

The Alchemist is a great book. Itā€™s a quick read too. I read it while incarcerated. Definitely a must read.


TriangleBaller t1_j5thbdg wrote

I'm reading it after a very difficult time in my life too. It's amazing


elpinche_wayas t1_j5qad61 wrote

I was like that for the past 10 years, just in auto pilot. I was 36, no school, no kids and I had an ok job. I dated people here and there but single for the last decade. I was just numb to life, pretending I was enjoying it. What helped me the most was change. Change doesn't happen without trying and what I mean with change is work on yourself, better yourself! Right now, in less than 2 years I was able to switch my life. I have a girlfriend that I love more than anything, a job that pays good and I like, the best friends I can ask for and all of them make me feel great about myself. What helped me the most was finding a good group of friends, working out and psychedelics(lucy and shroomies). Psychedelics helped me get a different perspective in my life and understand that you are the solution in your life, not a victim, also helped me take responsibility on my own life and understand that everyone is winging it, everyone is also trying to figure out life! You are allowed to be YOU and fight for yourself. Working out gave me the discipline I needed in life. Also, people treat you better and respect you more. Men respect you more and women like you more, lol. Friends made me feel that I'm ok, I'm not weird or an outsider and gave me that security that working out did as well. You do better when you surround yourself with good people. Just make sure you have positive friends, people who are also working on themselves and trying to be better. And stay positive!


svedge_weed OP t1_j5qcn13 wrote

Thanks for this. Actually an LSD trip i had on September is what made me realize I was in this condition of numbness. I'll try working out or finding a sport i like because i think it makes you feel better in both body and mind. And yeah I recently started to open up more and more to friends and my friendships are improving, like i feel more connected to them.


elpinche_wayas t1_j5qdoh2 wrote

Dude! Your body plays a big part in being happier, from having more energy and being more capable of doing more but also it improves the chemistry in your body. But that numbness is the worst! It made me feel broken and guilty from trying to be better or enjoying my life or not feeling wanted.


tele68 t1_j5ps448 wrote

I think humans bond in pairs because of this tendency. One's "partner" will probably not be that similar to you. So their influence, coming from outside your stagnant-fishbowl-thinking will create some imperatives. "Imperatives" is what the lone person lacks. Being free of outside forces truly creates stagnation. Doing things you don't want to do (you THINK you don't want to do) leads to new landscapes with more intrigue.
If for some reason a "partner" is not gonna happen, you can still give yourself up to an outside force (person or situation) that sets expectations for you, and from there you can't help but stumble upon new choices.


bravopapa99 t1_j5pzivd wrote

Same here. The other term for this awareness is called 'The Human Condition', which I see as the following conditions

(a) Knowing you are going to die(b) Knowing that life is random and meaningless

Therefore, as you rightly say, the only real meaning in life is the one you personally ascribe to it. I am 57, I know too much, acheived too little, and fully recognise that when I die, I will be like an ice cube melting back into the ocean of nothing-ness, for are we not just temporary cubes of sentiences for a short brief period?

I hope you can find something personally satisfying to make you want to get out of bed every day, maybe consider altruism as a direction, assuming you don't already do things for the sheer kindness and pleasure already.

Study quantum physics to truly appreciate how smart we have become but how trivial we are in the grand scheme of things! :D


Emeleigh_Rose t1_j5pqi95 wrote

Have you been checked for depression? Everything seems meaningless if you are dealing with it. Also over-thinking things can cause issues. If you're not dealing with depression, do something to get out of yourself? A hobby maybe. There's an expression that says something to the effect that knowledge preceeds interest. So even if you think it's not a hobby you like, once you know something about it, it might interest you. I love volunteering for the local humane society. For me personally, I find meaning working and helping give animals a better life. It gets me out of my own head and I can give back to others. Limit time on social media, news, etc.


svedge_weed OP t1_j5prugu wrote

I do not think I'm dealing with depression. But definitely I'm an overthinker, and i have too much free time now. You are right I gotta start doing something


Takeyouonajourney9 t1_j5quh5x wrote

I was brought up with the notion that what others teach us or bring to us in one form or another has a great deal to do with the meaning of our existence.

In that way I have always looked at myself through that lense. What lessons do I teach others, how can I be a good role model..

What kind of impact do I want my journey to have had, can I have more than one career that impacts and affectively meets my desire to help others?

What do you desire to do? Is there something work wise that seems like it would be too good to be a job?

People tend to find meaning in interests/hobbies, helping, healing, growing, gardening, raising animals, family, community, religion/spirituality, groups (sports and political etc), education, career, social and sexuality.

It is quite the world we live in atm and it feels like itā€™s such a pause and fast forward kind of world. I really value your question because it really gave me a chance to consider what it means to me.

Sometimes we just need to start getting out into the world, start with something, then our ability to decipher what we really desire starts to become crystal clear.


svedge_weed OP t1_j5qvrll wrote

This is such a deep thought, thank you so much. Yeah the world isn't the best but it is what it is, so all we can do is do good hoping others will see the good and try to do it too. And to do that i have to try and do things, then if i truly listen to myself i know if I'm doing good or bad. I want to thank you again for your comment, i will keep it in my heart.

"All i have of myself isn't worth a piece of what you have of myself" said an Italian song, now i understand it. We are worth what we leave to others


Takeyouonajourney9 t1_j5qw9lz wrote

Svedge, beautifully said.

It is in this cyclical way of thinking that I am happy I that today, I was able to help to share something that could have a little or a big positive impact, depending on how you choose to use this information.

ā¤ļø This makes me very happy. Thank-you!!


svedge_weed OP t1_j5qwys6 wrote

This, this is what I neededā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļøthanks, you made my eyes tear up, and i don't cry easily thanks thanks thanks i wish you the best


AnHeroicHippo99 t1_j5pf4ii wrote

I've always thought that the reason for living is to experience pleasure and to extract happiness from it. Every living thing deserves to be happy.

So what do you enjoy? Is there anything that makes you happy? It could be any number of the endless amounts of things out there. Perhaps it's music, reading, exercise, videogames, cooking, some kind of creative outlet.

The reason to live is obvious, it's to experience happiness. What you need is to find the source of that happiness, and do everything to maximize its role in your life.


svedge_weed OP t1_j5pgh5k wrote

I used to think that too but pleasure isn't easy to find and also i think it's pretty egoistic to live like this


AnHeroicHippo99 t1_j5pjelx wrote

It's not egotistical to want to live a happy life.

But if you can't help but feel that way, spend time helping others. It's a great way to feel good about yourself whole simultaneously spreading happiness to others who need it.

Happiness may not be easy to find but is that a good enough reason to give up trying? Not much is easy in life. I personally struggled to find a form of exercise I enjoyed for 30 years. I was resistant to exercise, gaining weight, feeling kinda shitty. Then when COVID hit I bought a bike, found trails nearby to me and now I spend a minimum of an hour a day riding, soaking up nature and it's honestly some of the happiest times I've had in years. There's nothing egotistical about that.


svedge_weed OP t1_j5pksrh wrote

>It's not egotistical to want to live a happy life. As soon as I read it it made sense to me but who knows why I always thought the opposite. You are right it is not wrong to want that. And yeah helping others has always made me feel good so I'm gonna keep on doing that for sure


teresarowe71 t1_j5pu10p wrote

Coming from someone who has just recently gotten over the trauma of almost dying , Any day that you wake up is chance for new possibilities. Just your existence may give someone else hope . They have just never told you. You may feel like a robot but you still have a purpose . If you did not , you would not be here. Sending hope joy and prayers.


PizzaNoPants t1_j5pr1bc wrote

You are not wrong to think that Life is empty and meaningless. Note that you attach the meaning to life. The ā€œwhyā€ is important as to your actions. Feel unburdened by needing to attach meaning to things. Sometimes shit just happens. Read Voltaire. Read some Nietzsche. Enjoy the emptiness. Put things and experiences that bring you joy into your space and you will find something that works for you. And just because it works for someone else doesnā€™t mean it works for you. Donā€™t worry about them. Their actions are out of your control.


surdtmash t1_j5qudxn wrote

Try volunteering aid to terminally ill people. Learn of the things they would have liked to do if life allowed them. Do those things in their stead.


No_Risk454 t1_j5r1qnp wrote

There are also some YouTube videos out there if you are unable to do this. The one thing you will never hear people in hospice or in the later stages of life say is " I wish I worked more".


Artistic_Garden_7949 t1_j5r2osb wrote

Idk if anyone said this already but i feel like life has no meaning aswell and maybe it really doesnt but i think your suppose to find a meaning in life . and if you cant find one let your family be the meaning because i learned if i killed today thats not just it my mom wouldnt live or anyone of my family so that should be your meaning in live is to just accept everything and make your family happy theres people who can go to a funeral cry and then a couple years it dont hurt as much anymore but there will always be that one person who it will affect forever . i wanna kill myself everyday because i want think theres no purpose and i want to kill nyself everyday but that would be selfish because theres people who really care and thats what keeps me going and just try to do your best because no matter what excuses we have in life god will judge them and no matter if we think its right or wrong or we have the best reason for what we do god s judgement is the truth weather we like it or not so let god creating you be another purpose to life and im not religious but ik no words or decision can ever be more right then god


Artistic_Garden_7949 t1_j5r3rca wrote

And mybad alot of words didnt spell correctly i was typing fast or i forgot to put a couple words in that were laft out


No_Risk454 t1_j5pen7e wrote

Lifes only meaning is that to which you give it.

We all go through this period of banality of life.

Maybe try something that is really out of the ordinary like going for a really long hike. Like for a few days or even longer. Plan it out. Camp out. Turn off the phone. Just you and your thoughts.

Just focus on trying to appreciate nature and the wonder of the world.

And if you get eaten by an animal, then you don't have to worry about the rest of it all I suppose.

Obviously, this may not be a fit for you, but I hope that my intent behind this sparks something for you.


svedge_weed OP t1_j5pf2r1 wrote

I will definitely try that since I love hiking, as soon as it gets a little warmer here i will 100% go for a long hike, alone with myself. Thank you so much


Cannabisguy420420420 t1_j5pr8f2 wrote

You want a reason breathe air everything you see touch smell feel taste if your dead you feel nothing Why would you not wanna live just waking up everyday is motivation to live god has a plan for us all


AssPuncher9000 t1_j5pw463 wrote

Not everyone is capable of doing the religion thing. Just because it works for you doesn't mean it works for everyone


91ajm05 t1_j5prmcr wrote

I would suggest a pet, if animals are your thing. Cat, dog, fish, bird, hedgehog, whatever works for you, your schedule and your budget. After I attempted to take my own life four years ago I had a very difficult time trying to figure out what would make my life meaningful and worth continuing. For me, it was my family (well, really just my mother) and my pets. I cannot leave this world when my cat needs me. Some days are worse than others, but life makes more sense when I stop thinking about me, and I start considering those in my life that I have an effect on. All the other comments here have very good advice as well: stay busy, find a hobby, think positive, be mindful, and all that jazz.


Amiibohunter000 t1_j5qc0p2 wrote

If you like animals, volunteers are always needed to help at animal sanctuaries. It will be doing something good for the animals and yourself! I hope you find something to bring your days more joy.


thisgameissoessy t1_j5redai wrote

This. ā¬†ļøā¬†ļøā¬†ļø If you are able to, adopting an animal from a rescue would be great. Dogs especially are greeting you at the door with the tail wagging in happiness that you are home. The first dog we adopted was overlooked a lot by others because she was standoffish. She loved my daughter and followed her around the pen in the meet and greet. They even asked us if she was ā€œthe oneā€ since she was chill and we said we were an active family. She was weary of others because she probably came from a place where she was abused. She didnā€™t like or trust grown men until we showed her they were ok with the pack. (She liked my husband immediately when we met her.) She was loyal and loving, and sadly we lost her to cancer about a year and a half after we took her home. But she would relax fully with us, and we were blessed to provide the safe and calm environment where she was not on edge all the time.


Spikelavendar6423 t1_j5qm6as wrote

A number of people have suggested journaling, and I agree. Another suggestion is to recite a gratitude list in the morning regardless of your faith. If you are here, you have many things to be thankful for. For one, I am grateful for your post, that I had an opportunity to contribute!


Unusual_Tree99 t1_j5qnndk wrote

Same. There are some good ideas in here, though.


AnnualNo261 t1_j5qpmil wrote

You should think about being better than yourself trying to be someone more important you should go outside to walk, go to the gym or live a healthy life after that maybe you can find somebody that loves you form a family instead of just giving up that easily because o know that you are strong and you can do better than that.


skywalker3827 t1_j5r79me wrote

Lots of amazing comments and advice. Just wanted to say that I was really struck by your comment about not feeling much interest in chasing things anymore. I 100 percent feel this and only recently have realized that that feeling, not wanting to chase things, is actually pretty awesome and goes counter to what society tells us to do. Society tells us to chase and chase and chase all the things you mentioned: religion or our work or our getting more stuff, whatever it is. So it's really a profound thing instead of saying, okay what's next or what more can I be doing, to just say, I'm just going to be. For me, that's meant dabbling in hobbies I never would have imagined doing. (I tried rollerblading again, for instance, which I hadn't done in like 20 years. Pointless? Kind of. Really fun? Definitely.) It's meant reading more. Trying creative writing, even though I'm probably not that great at it but it's fun. But it did mean sitting in the uncomfortable space where you are for a while thinking that something was wrong or that I just needed to find the next thing or the next goal. I'm slowly getting better at recognizing when I'm feeling that desire to find something to chase, or feeling unmotivated in general, and shifting to asking what might bring me joy. And if I try something and it doesn't bring me joy, cool! Now I know. I'll just try something else.

Sending love!


DeeMarie625 t1_j5s7jzf wrote

I would try and find something that you enjoy doing ā€¦ like drawing or painting or even working out. I really hope you find something that awakens something inside you to come alive. Maybe even travel and see other ways of life. Good luck and I wish you the best!


Independent-Spend158 t1_j5scahu wrote

I thank you for making this post. Thereā€™s so much positivity and inspiration in the comments. What you donā€™t know is you just helped me without knowing it. That should give you another outlook on your purpose. I canā€™t say how you feel but some things I can definitely relate to. Again thank you and I thank the people who have gave me reason from reading their comments šŸ˜Š


svedge_weed OP t1_j5stpee wrote

You're welcome! This is awesome and you're not even the first one telling me this post helped!! Just the fact that we can help others is a great motivation, even more when you see results. Much love my friend ā¤ļøā¤ļø


No-Telephone9925 t1_j5sgyq7 wrote

I understand this feeling very much. A lot of people feel the same especially since covid. The meaning of life is its the beginning stage where we develop our soul and learn the brunt of our lessons. From a science standpoint life is supposed to be balanced. Half good, half bad. Everything's balanced hot cold, up down, left right but since the pandemic everything is unbalanced and also disproportionately unfair. Wealth gaps, over worked and draining the good from everyone so that a small portion of individuals can have excess good and barely any bad. They cause the vast majority of problems and you in one way or another are probably victim in at least one way. Find purpose in loving the innocence of animals and wild animals who need extra love because they're so neglected by society. Find peace in nature and be one with the universe. It will help I promise. Find a beautiful trail and listen to the birds, bring them food and love them because they aren't rotten like people.


GlobalPelican t1_j6606v7 wrote

Break the cycle with something you're not expected to do or something you think you're not likely to do that's harmless and goofy just because. I actually felt and often feel this way myself (25, F) and the other day I nearly got into a (would have been potentially fatal) car accident due to bad weather and no fault of any driver. I was surprisingly upset about it, as if I hadn't just spent the day thinking to myself "I would really not mind if I suddenly stopped living at any given moment because of how living feels so plain and empty".

I decided to make myself a nice meal on a weekday (I don't usually due to telling myself it takes too long) as if I was cooking for someone I care about and I made myself dance in my kitchen a little bit. Even though I was by myself I felt embarrassed and shy, but I laughed because it was ridiculous. I don't dance well at all, but it was fun.

I don't have regular hobbies and struggle to stick to them but I've learned to appreciate the willingness to try, or to even put it down and pick it back up later. Life is meaningless in that none of what I'm doing (trying to crochet, learn to skate, hike alone, bake a baguette, simply existing etc.) matters to literally anybody else walking the earth and that's fine.

You don't have to solve a world issue or lead the charge in something that makes history to have enjoyed the life you lived prior to dying. You can just be a person that sometimes dances in your kitchen for no reason because it's fun to you. You can try things out and not like them then try other things and be proud of yourself for trying in the first place.


assassisteve t1_j5pwkg8 wrote

Probably the worst advice here... but try some extreme sports. Stuff like skateboarding, snowbording, surfing, bungee jumping, parachuting, can make you feel truly alive! Something about the risk factor and the fact that you utilize your whole body to succeed what you were attempting gives you sensations like no other.


svedge_weed OP t1_j5pws6d wrote

I thought about that and i wanted to try rally but I don't have a rally car ahahah. So i just started drifting with my fiat punto in wheat fields lol


quititkitty1 t1_j5qf9j6 wrote

if you have money, buy a cheap mustang and weld the diff and drift the wheels off it at drift events. Drift events are usually cheap since it is in a parking lot or something. Ton of fun. or get into HPDE if you like cars and driving on race tracks


svedge_weed OP t1_j5qgn9v wrote

I was thinking at some cheap bmw, we don't really have cheap mustangs here in Italy. At least for now i can have fun in my friend's e36


[deleted] t1_j5py13z wrote



svedge_weed OP t1_j5pz7ug wrote

Yes yes yes thanks bro I do think too too too much that's my problem, i get lost in words of thoughts that don't even exist. But i will get out of that. Thanks againšŸ™šŸ™


paper_wavements t1_j5q0viw wrote

I recommend the book Man's Search for Meaning all the time. It's thought-provoking & will help you find your own meaning in your life.

You should also do the ACT (acceptance commitment therapy) values exercise, & figure out whether or not you're living according to your values. Many people aren't, without really realizing it, instead just feeling a vague dissatisfaction with their life.


svedge_weed OP t1_j5q1sj2 wrote

I will look for that book. And yeah what you say about values is true. I thought about that during an acid trip in September. I understood i wasn't living for what I liked and that's what led me to having nothing to live for, because i didn't even know what i valued. I guess i have to find the things I really care about and that's gonna be the turning point. Thanks bro


Squidworm69 t1_j5q1x5l wrote

Watch Trailer Park Boys...šŸ‘


bsquarehills t1_j5q53qu wrote

My kids changed everything for mešŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø Good luck mate.


CapeCodRich t1_j5q5vj2 wrote

See things, do something completely out of your bubble and get some adrenaline pumping. Feel alive! Get to the gym, walk around your neighborhood, take pictures. Buy a stranger a cup of coffee just to be nice. Find joy in little things.


greenflash1775 t1_j5q5wdl wrote

Check out Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl itā€™ll help.


baconjerky t1_j5qe6ku wrote

We donā€™t need reasons to live, living itself is the reason. You are free to assign whatever meaning you want. Or none at all. Just pursue things you enjoy, whatever that is. Self improvement comes from realizing that thereā€™s no reason for anything, sometimes we do things just to see how far we can take them.


drakesfo t1_j5qqerq wrote

Try helping others who are not as fortunate in some dimension (eg, bad health, war). Over time and as you face a thankful constituency, meaning will flourish.


bocceballbarry t1_j5qqfje wrote

Decide what/who you want to be, and then be that.


Ziid10 t1_j5qqwmf wrote

Join a sports team or club. Read. Work out. Seek god. And whatever else people posted here. It helps


Rxbrto t1_j5qtjv8 wrote

Iā€™m 27 and I travelled for the first time in my life this year. I couldnā€™t afford it- but I did it anyways and it changed my life. ā˜ŗļø


Ninjaelk2k7 t1_j5qz1gl wrote

Donā€™t you think that with this realization you have earned the ability to do anything you want to? Your options in life are limitless and you can do anything.


Useful_Huckleberry25 t1_j5qzlcv wrote

I have a really crappy life 5 kids two ex-wifes and a crappy job, but I find joy in the journey. I've had a lot of good experiences, and I have had a lot of bad ones. It's the simple things that give my life meaning for example, wiping ice cream off my youngest daughters smile, or even calming on of my some down after they've hurt them selves some how and Doctoring them up. I think the true meaning of life is experiencing it for what it is, kaotic simple enjoyable misery and still finding a way to be the best part of someone's day.


Shrekquille_Oneal t1_j5r0f4d wrote

I felt (and feel) the same way. Honestly, what helped me a lot was just kinda participating. For a few months, I just said yes to everything. Every invitation, every event, every person asking for help, etc. Even if I really didnt feel like it, it got me out doing things, and that beats sitting around at home doing nothing any day.

I don't want to say it gave me any meaning, I get that elsewhere, but I realized how much I was holding myself back and was a lot happier for it.


SwingFinal5518 t1_j5r1bvu wrote

honestly, I find meaning in the littlest things to help me through. Just being grateful for what I have and always thinking Iā€™m lucky, when truthfully Iā€™m just another middle class kid.


Falconflyer75 t1_j5r3xyx wrote

When life sucks the repose is to figure out what would make it suck less


[deleted] t1_j5r7c1e wrote

Yo u ever feel that if you donā€™t find a reason or anything else just to live, a passion, a goal, someone else, by a certain age, youā€™re just gonna end it! Like get a gun and go somewhere where theyā€™ll never find your body, or find the right assortment of pills to make you fall asleep and just take you away while you sleep. Or is it just me???šŸ¤”


svedge_weed OP t1_j5r9aq4 wrote

I think everyone feels like that sometimes in their lives. But think at it, wouldn't it be a waste? Like hey we're here and we have the chance to do good, so why not? I know everything feels pointless in that state of mind but already talking about this as a problem is a sign that we have some will to get over this, and that we're not gonna give up, so try giving this feeling all of your energy. We'll find our way brother! Until then let's just walk and enjoy the journey


OneSpicyTaki t1_j5r8ayn wrote

I know you said this but. Go to church. You will find hope and motivation there


Guidopunker t1_j5r9ltv wrote

Curiosity could be a good reason. Just pick a random subject and start reading about it. Your world gets bigger and more rich when you chase and cultivate curiosity.


harmonica-blues t1_j5rj6tt wrote

You've probably gotten a ton of answers, but anything that helps people less fortunate that you is a way to find purpose. Helps for me.


PepsiCoffee t1_j5rktwk wrote

just go exercisešŸ˜† this problem can't be solved by thinking, but it can be solved by doing exercise regularly.


PepsiCoffee t1_j5rl6oq wrote

long answer:life is like taking a walk, it is meaningless, but it's still fun. the problem for you is it's not fun anymore. Exercising makes you to able to feel fun again.


[deleted] t1_j5rlq2k wrote

Check out: After Life on Netflix. Surprisingly helpful.

Itā€™s about a depressed suicidal man that lost his wife to cancer and subsequently his will to live. Itā€™s dark comedy, but it might give you some things to consider.

Also Stutz on Netflix was a worthy watch.

Last recommendation is: how to change your mind on Netflix.


GettheBozak t1_j5rtvwp wrote

Do something for someone else. Volunteer. No bullshit. Become someone important to someone else and you'll find meaning.


Amazing_Airport_3361 t1_j5rvmnk wrote

I found out my husband cheated on me and I felt like crap for a whole year but now I have decided I am going to take care of myself since I have always been taking care every one but my self. So I wake up tell my self Iā€™m beautiful and I choose to be happy. I a gym and started walking and watching what I ate, lost 20 pounds and feel good about myself. I also wondered why God put me in this world because it seems I have been sad ever since I could remember. Now with me staying active and helping out at the soup kitchen I have realized, other people are worse off then me.


Morrigoon t1_j5rz24v wrote

Take up a cause. It could be feeding the homeless, or rescuing dogs (or even just fostering them for a rescue), or welcoming refugees (see

Or just live for spite :)


machinegunshely t1_j5rzigx wrote

Comedy! Comedians live the darkest lives and somehow find the funniest shit to say about it. I love listening to stand up when I feel down cus I love the way it makes me look at stuff. Also if your funny you can also make your own jokes about it.


Great_Whereas_9187 t1_j5sal2j wrote

I don't think you lack meaning, I think you lack direction. I look at Tony Robbins who was working as a Janitor before he started his self-help work. Now he's worth millions. I'm sure you have something to give back to others, it just hasn't occurred to you.


Ricky_Rollin t1_j5ssga4 wrote

In the grand scheme of things, life is exactly what you make of it. You apply meaning and we find ways to meander about till we die.

The meaning of life is to give your life meaning.


NutellaEh t1_j5ssytd wrote

Try going to church and meeting some people there? (Iā€™m evangelical and itā€™s a big part of what gives me meaning)


abidseth793 t1_j5swzrs wrote

I think you should go for spiritual healing because it's best way


EditaPita t1_j5sy0u2 wrote

I feel this. I feel like a floating buoy in the middle of the ocean.

I'm nearly 20 and in university, but I have no idea what I want to do with my future. my life feels like it has no purpose. like I'm just keeping afloat. But apparently, this is normal for people my age. I want to bring some change into my life, but I'm finding that difficult to achieve. I hope you manage to find your way out of this state of mind, sorry I couldn't be helpful.


svedge_weed OP t1_j5szfjr wrote

Who said you couldn't be helpful? Knowing one isn't alone in something is a big big help! Also i have had many good answers to this post so i recommend you check some of them out. Also if you wanna talk I'm always available, just send a DM. Wish you all the best


misskelly08 t1_j5tcx3s wrote

I get the impression that you lost your mojo, your thrill/desire & no motivation to find a new one. It's all about perspective. Kinda of fake it til you make it. I wake up every morning & count all my blessings. Even if i don't feel like it. Really changed my outlook The good is there, we just have to take the time to find it


odomotto t1_j5uc73u wrote

Life! Life is the main reason for living. Plod along, add some things that pique your interest and next thing you know, something unexpected happens. It's usually good but not always. Even life's unpleasantries can be interesting.


BlisslessTaskList t1_j5wg98b wrote

Maybe your brain is dopamine deficient and you need to get tested. I myself just recently discovered I have adhd, Iā€™m 39. I started talking to a therapist describing much of what youā€™re describing; lack of will, no motivation, exhaustion. She told me that adhd in women can manifest as depression. I took a tova test at a behavioral clinic and wouldnā€™t you know it. I have it. Iā€™m on an antidepressant and a low dose of adderall. Itā€™s been a complete game changer. Iā€™m present, Iā€™m confident, and I want to paint again. The drugs help, but itā€™s also a sense of validation. Iā€™ve gone my whole life beating myself up for not being able to focus and constantly daydreaming. I got labeled by friends and family because of it and slowly over the years made a series of poor decisions. Now I have something I can point to as to why. I had a deficiency that needed to be treated. That was all. Iā€™m not saying thatā€™s what is going on with you, but youā€™re worth looking into.


cellodude0805 t1_j5woabu wrote

My best advice is donā€™t let the world guide you or donā€™t ā€œgo with the flowā€. I felt like this for a long time, so rant incoming. You want to really know how the world works? Money. That is it. Thereā€™s no gimmick. Everyone wants your money, everyone is operating to take your money, and everyone who has money is working to get more and maintain or increase generational wealth and elitist social circles. Donā€™t steal or break laws, but everything is up for grabs and you just have to play the game. Idk about you, but I grew up in a low-middle income American household and EVERY perception of how things work or why we can or canā€™t do things because ā€œthatā€™s just not what people like us can doā€ is WRONG. Get rid of any self-imposed rules or culturally constructed norms and take the world by the horns. Do not settle or become complacent. Once you truly believe you can achieve anything, you will want to achieve something. Make a 1, 3, 5, and 10 year goal where each goal is made of steps to reach the next one. Do this with finances, career, hobbies, relationships, literally anything. Lastly, your network is everything. Hang out with people who have goals. Find mentors. Get in with anyone whoā€™s achieved something significant. The work hard mantra is a fucking lie. Itā€™s 80% who you know and 20% having enough skill to do whatever. Hopefully any of this resonates with you! Thereā€™s more to life than waking up and clocking in. Depends on what you want vs what you settle for.


CaptainAdp t1_j5x13ag wrote

Look into Ayahuasca. Iā€™ve done it and will go again. Itā€™s all about love & finding yourself. Bless you.


qoodqirllqonbad t1_j5xgetw wrote

I felt this way beforeā€¦. Go in YouTube & listen to ā€œOutwitting the devil ā€œ.. let me know if it helps.


[deleted] t1_j62j48c wrote

Jesus Christ is the way I know I might get a lot of hate and a lot of back lash for this but I know this will help I see here you canā€™t chase religion and canā€™t find anything interesting if you get a chance one day pray to Jesus Christ and just talk to him about whatever youā€™re feeling Iā€™ve done this and stuff I was worried about and never told anybody people I barely knew had messages for me about my situation and my life I know I might get a lot of hate for what Iā€™m saying but Iā€™m just trying to reach out and help God bless you


FirstTimothy5eight t1_j63mx21 wrote

Iā€™d advise against religion, only because it isnā€™t spirituality. Hereā€™s something to think about that gives life, and your actions meaning, it helped me and I hope it helps you or someone else:

Do actions have consequences? Yes. They do. And those consequences are eternal. Once youā€™ve done something, it canā€™t be undone , and that consequence!is a ripple through time. It effects the future, your destiny, and effects the destiny of those around you.

Are you your body? And my conclusion to that question is , no. It isnā€™t. No one can tell me at what point I cease to be myself if we were to, say, remove a piece of me at a time (as a thought experiment) what piece, or fiber of my being is responsible for my personhood? The answer, is that we are more than physical beings. We are spiritual beings also, and our bodies are only vehicles, or containers for our consciousness, thatā€™s truly what we are at our core.

So, if youā€™ve ever felt guilty in your life, that internal conviction is a recognition that some action you took or didnā€™t take had a moral consequenceā€¦

Where does morality come from? Well, if Iā€™m being completely honest, I donā€™t believe it comes from society, parental structures, conditioning or anything else. I believe it comes from god. God is the supreme moral authority over our lives! So the real question to ask is ā€œDoes god exist?ā€ Because if not, than I definitely agree, life is meaningless. Our actions have no consequence, there is a future without us, but that future is also meaningless. There is no meaning or significance to anything, but of course, that infers that there is no morality, because there are no consequences, your morals are only these flexible rules and limitations you impose on yourself. But , I think we both know deep down that isnā€™t true.

So, in my view, the purpose of life is obedience to a loving God. Because for life to have meaning , a person must have a purpose. For life to have meaning, there must be consequences. (Really think about it, imagine a life without consequences)

So of course, the natural reaction of a person without purpose is:

-Anxiety -feeling like you donā€™t belong -depression -nihilism


I believe thatā€™s a natural reaction to living life counter to the ultimate moral authority which is god. He gave you life, and you arenā€™t living it, so I suppose itā€™s very natural to feel like you feel lately.

There is a God (at least for some of us)

And you have a purpose, and when you are fulfilling that purpose (which is easy, just serve god) than your morality will be in line with eternity.

May god bless you and keep you safe.


svedge_weed OP t1_j67q4zt wrote

Brother! It feels like you read my mind to write thisšŸ˜‚ did you watch "The Tenant" fron Polanski? It really explains well what you said about not being a phisical creature. Yeah i get what you mean, the God you talk about is like Socrate's demon, isn't it? Thank you for answering


FirstTimothy5eight t1_j6dhn5d wrote

Iā€™m really glad you found it helpful, and I personally believe in god. (Christ) but Iā€™m also simultaneously disappointed to a large degree with the conventional church we know today. I want to create a new one. So Iā€™m beginning to find ways to move ahead with the creation of a new model.

The church of today is a self serving beast. It isnā€™t particularly helpful generally, and the few that are, are very inefficient and wasteful

-the definition of institution

a society or organization founded for a religious, educational, social, or similar purpose.

So to me the very foundation of the church institution is sort of empty, you see what I mean? Itā€™s religion for religionā€™s sake, and not really for any other purpose. To have such organizations is costly, and individuals are employed for many reasons, clerical, etc. Job creation is generally good, but where should the money from a church really go? Should it go to fatten the pockets of a pastor or deacon? Or could it serve the membership better?

Thatā€™s the issue. Waste in the name of god? I donā€™t think that is what god wants! So through prayer, meditation, and research I am trying to find a new way to do it.

Edit: sorry to go off on a tangent! I guess your reference to the daemon is pretty accurate! As far as the video you mentioned, I donā€™t think Iā€™ve seen it.

But yes I think many philosophers are aware of that ā€œvoiceā€ it doesnā€™t command. But it does nag at you gently. Telling you not to do what you are about to do. In my opinion, thatā€™s the voice of god/Christ.

Iā€™ve fallen out of favor with god, and with myself, when what Iā€™ve wanted to do was not in line with what Iā€™m supposed to do in a biblical context. And thatā€™s the struggle, I think, with humanity and our purpose, the Bible refers to that as a struggle between our spiritual body and our flesh, right? our body wants to live like all other animals, to pursue pleasure and avoid pain just like Darwin, or any other transhumanist believes. but they dont do a great job explaining why we have a conscious, and why that moral voice is in a war with our physical selves! why arent we completely free to pursue our basic and biological impulses? isnt it counter to evolution and natural selection, not to kill our enemies, or have as much sex as possible with anyone we can? The strange thing about that is, thats exactly how humans behave when they are separated from their moralsā€¦ like animalsā€¦

so the answer is, (i assume) to be whole as a human being, and not in the torment of inner and social conflict means to live according to the demands of the moral authority who is god. with what you are doing, being exactly what you wanted and intended to do. No separation! your body, mind, and spirit together, moving along the straight and narrow path toward god. its like a tight rope! its easy to fall, and it takes 100% focus of your body mind and spirit to walk that path.


svedge_weed OP t1_j6jiedy wrote

You're the first person I talk to that gives me a meaningful and nice vision of religion. And i live in Italy, where everyone's a Christian... And yeah unfortunately you're right, church gas nothing to do with God, for me church is on the same level of any government, saying good things and doing bad, just to get richer and more powerful. I never believed in 'God' for who they told me he is, but yeah it's like we all have an inner God that makes us know what's good and what's not. That's exactly Socrate's demon: he couldn't call It God because Gods were Zeus and all of them, so he logically called It a demon. But the 'demon' was the only One he listened to. The good One. Loved talking to you man.


pleasetellafriend t1_j65w7jr wrote

I find doing good things and helping others is the ultimate healer


Emotional_Top_7528 t1_j6cwpgd wrote

I have struggled myself with this. I honestly believe life is about serving others. I have got great joy in helping others succeed or helping them in anyway possible. Maybe volunteer at homeless shelter or find ways you can give your time to people in need.


Charming_Ticket_4210 t1_j5pd6ht wrote



svedge_weed OP t1_j5pdbsf wrote

Sorry, already tried Christianity and it doesn't work


Charming_Ticket_4210 t1_j5pdxy6 wrote

It works u just have to really submit to God. You have to really want to be saved. You got believe in your heart that Jesus died for all sins and he rose from the grave 3 days later. Ain't no try it's do or do not


svedge_weed OP t1_j5pea9h wrote

I do not decide what to believe. I am only able to think, and if something makes sense I will stick to it, if it doesn't, or if it even gives me more doubt and suffering, i will leave it. I am glad Jesus helped you tho


Adi_San t1_j5ptw88 wrote

Ugh obnoxious post.
