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LogicalSpecialist9 t1_j5vui92 wrote

If you want a literal detox of your brain then try the lion diet: eat only ribeye steaks with salt and drink only water. After 90 days you’ll feel like a completely new person.


[deleted] t1_j5wyyqu wrote



LogicalSpecialist9 t1_j5wznw6 wrote

I’m just recommending 90 days to this guy. Personally I didn’t eat a single calorie from a plant-based source during all of 2021. You don’t need vitamin supplements if you eat beef, eggs, and liver because of how many vitamins and minerals and other micronutrients those foods contain and also how bioavailable they are. Liver is the single most nutrient-dense and vitamin-packed food on Earth. People don’t realize how nutritious eating animals is. And having no fiber in your diet is absolutely glorious — it means you never fart and the volume of your poop decreases by 75% and your digestion feels incredibly smooth. It is just win-win-win.


[deleted] t1_j5x0lvn wrote



LogicalSpecialist9 t1_j5x0yac wrote

People just can’t fathom this diet, lol — but consider the fact that our ancestors lived through ice ages that lasted a thousand years. Agriculture is very recent in human history. We’ve been hunters for hundreds of thousands of years.


SashaAndTheCity t1_j5ytrpd wrote

Life expectancy was waaay shorter ;)


LogicalSpecialist9 t1_j5zoz0p wrote

Not if you discount infant mortality. People definitely were not getting cancer, heart disease, and diabetes. Of course people didn’t have antibiotics back then either. They weren’t dying due to their diet, that’s for sure.