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SupportMoist t1_j60t90b wrote

Start slow. Good for you for starting now! Exercise is so important for both mental and physical health. The most important thing is being consistent, not doing super hard workouts and then burning out. So start with what you think you can maintain. Even a 15 minute workout makes a huge difference to your overall health and energy, so start there. Can you commit to 15 minutes a day of walking, dance, abs, weights, or bike? There’s no wrong way to exercise, you’ve just got to move. Start with 15 minutes, 3x a week minimum. It’ll give you more energy and then you’ll be able to do 30 min. And then more from there! Maybe you’ll find a class you enjoy like Zumba or yoga!

People get discouraged when they think they have to exercise for an hour or it’s useless and that’s simply not true. Start small. If you have a few bad days and don’t workout at all, no problem, just start again the next day! This a lifelong habit!