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shadeyrain t1_j699ayu wrote

So true, 6 months ago I had my full time dream job and a stable paycheck. Just got fired yesterday and now I want sweet release from life. You are totally right, 6 months can change your life.


satxgoose t1_j69m99j wrote

Yea, I was in the best place physically, mentally and emotionally and career wise and my fiancé just left me and I lost my job a month before that…. I yearn for 6 months ago


givemeabreak432 t1_j6b9a5e wrote

Man, I'm with you. 6 months ago, my wife and I were happy together. We weren't exactly in the best place in life, but we were happy to be together.

Then right before the new year she told me she wanted a divorce. The last month has been absolute hell. I love her so damn much and it hurts so much more to know that she doesn't want to be with me anymore.

We have been going to counseling, but any progress, if any, has been slow. And there's potential that if nothing changes by April, we're done.

Sorry to vent at you man, i know you have your own problems. 6 months can be the difference between being happy and being crushed, but that goes either way.


satxgoose t1_j6bvmz7 wrote

Was it borderline personality disorder? YouTube it and let me know. It’s always sudden without a sign it’s coming.


givemeabreak432 t1_j6bvzuq wrote

No, the counselor believes it's Adjustment Disorder.


satxgoose t1_j6bwa2v wrote

Never heard of that one; but BPD has a similar category; there are 10 categories and need only 5 of 10 for BPD.


givemeabreak432 t1_j6bxsnw wrote

Maybe I'll talk with the therapist about it. I'm doing one on one sessions with him as well as couples counseling.

The thing is, she hasn't agreed to more one on one sessions either yet, just the couples counseling. Hopefully the therapist can get her to go, cause i definitely can't tell her.


satxgoose t1_j6bxzy2 wrote

You can’t tell her that and your therapist won’t know without him depth one on one with her; just YouTube BPD and relationships and you will know quite easily for yourself. It will at least solve a curiosity.


givemeabreak432 t1_j6bzh98 wrote

I don't think that she has that. She definitely suffers from anxiety, but it's expressed differently than that. Adjustment Disorder makes sense though.


[deleted] t1_j6cqidy wrote



givemeabreak432 t1_j6ctrjg wrote

Man, i was just responding to that other guy who decided to diagnose my wife with one line. You guys don't have the full story. I have been introspective and trying to work on myself. I have been actively trying to change myself. Honestly, I have been blaming myself and my own actions a bit too much, according to my family.


11BloodyShadow11 t1_j6b6gg6 wrote

I am pretty close to that same thing my man. You aren’t alone, but we’ll figure it out.


EspressoVagabond t1_j6cxrpp wrote

Weirdly I just realized I'm six months and a day since getting laid off from what also seemed like my dream company to work for.

The first couple weeks are the toughest, mentally. But it gets better. And I found that it's really an opportunity as well. I started a business, learned to code, lived abroad in some lower cost-of-living areas. That's not gonna be the path for everyone, but it's been great for me. And while I'm definitely still carrying some of the baggage from the layoff, it's lighter today.

Keep your head up! It's important to keep in mind that any job is still just a job. It's not your whole life, so don't make it.