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yuffieisathief t1_j6aph4m wrote

Thank you friend! <3 I denied myself parts of myself for really long because I felt they had no place in society or didn't benefit others. I became very disconnected from my body and feelings, completely stuck in my head. I got so incredibly tired. (Just saying this because I think a lot of people struggle with issues like that) And now I'm embracing everything I am, and it's beautiful! I wish you all that's wonderful and awesome in this world ❤️


chronotrigs t1_j6c8sey wrote

Sounds either very wholesome or like you've finally released your inner serial killer


yuffieisathief t1_j6coc2x wrote

I thought that when I was writing it. :') But I kept it a bit vague, so maybe others could recognize something in it and know they can do it too. I just never learned to use the love I gave to others for myself and now that I do its life the sun just shines brighter! Well I guess there was an easy way to say that haha