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LordJosh286 t1_j6bvjl8 wrote

6 months ago I was working salary for a job for a company I truly believed I would be retiring with. However I found out that they were taking advantage of my willingness to be a “team player” and work 60 hour weeks giving up time with family and girlfriend who I’ve been with for 7 years. They even wanted me to skip my girlfriend’s grandmother’s funeral to cover a shift. On top of that I was always made fun of in meetings and on my days off behind my back and eventually started receiving workplace bullying. I was fired once i stood up for myself.

Today Im in a new job with a company (making less but I’m hourly) and they are one of the best companies in the area to work for. Sometimes it takes putting yourself first to be happy and take care of yourself. Now I can be with family and my girlfriend and have a bigger team Im working in so i can have days off and vacations. Their loss is how i see it