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yuffieisathief t1_j68bzog wrote

6 months ago everything was shit. Now I'm the best version of myself I've ever been! You got this peeps ❤️


[deleted] t1_j69o4lm wrote

Love you and thank you!


yuffieisathief t1_j6a0mvk wrote

Love you too internet friend, hope you give yourself the love your deserve too! ❤️


[deleted] t1_j6ab9r5 wrote

I’m working on it. ❤️


yuffieisathief t1_j6aojm4 wrote

That's all we can ever do ❤️ be kind to yourself and give your feelings, body and mind time to connect with each other :)


multigrain-pancakes t1_j6bzray wrote

Yes! I, as well! Crazy how shit turns from bad to good and vice versa. Such is life


DevAstral t1_j6a5ywt wrote

Wow well done friend, hope it keeps going just as well for you and proud of you for overcoming whatever was pulling you down!


yuffieisathief t1_j6aph4m wrote

Thank you friend! <3 I denied myself parts of myself for really long because I felt they had no place in society or didn't benefit others. I became very disconnected from my body and feelings, completely stuck in my head. I got so incredibly tired. (Just saying this because I think a lot of people struggle with issues like that) And now I'm embracing everything I am, and it's beautiful! I wish you all that's wonderful and awesome in this world ❤️


chronotrigs t1_j6c8sey wrote

Sounds either very wholesome or like you've finally released your inner serial killer


yuffieisathief t1_j6coc2x wrote

I thought that when I was writing it. :') But I kept it a bit vague, so maybe others could recognize something in it and know they can do it too. I just never learned to use the love I gave to others for myself and now that I do its life the sun just shines brighter! Well I guess there was an easy way to say that haha


CluelessTennisBall t1_j68jq1m wrote

I like how this could be read as a threat too lol


ElMoselYEE t1_j6a3r6i wrote

Yeah, I like where I'm at mentally, spiritually, and that it could all go away in less than 6mo time.


the_mythx t1_j6akjo4 wrote

6 months ago I just started fixing everything from 6 months before that, now I’m back in the gutter of life

Take it as a threat


shadeyrain t1_j699ayu wrote

So true, 6 months ago I had my full time dream job and a stable paycheck. Just got fired yesterday and now I want sweet release from life. You are totally right, 6 months can change your life.


satxgoose t1_j69m99j wrote

Yea, I was in the best place physically, mentally and emotionally and career wise and my fiancé just left me and I lost my job a month before that…. I yearn for 6 months ago


givemeabreak432 t1_j6b9a5e wrote

Man, I'm with you. 6 months ago, my wife and I were happy together. We weren't exactly in the best place in life, but we were happy to be together.

Then right before the new year she told me she wanted a divorce. The last month has been absolute hell. I love her so damn much and it hurts so much more to know that she doesn't want to be with me anymore.

We have been going to counseling, but any progress, if any, has been slow. And there's potential that if nothing changes by April, we're done.

Sorry to vent at you man, i know you have your own problems. 6 months can be the difference between being happy and being crushed, but that goes either way.


satxgoose t1_j6bvmz7 wrote

Was it borderline personality disorder? YouTube it and let me know. It’s always sudden without a sign it’s coming.


givemeabreak432 t1_j6bvzuq wrote

No, the counselor believes it's Adjustment Disorder.


satxgoose t1_j6bwa2v wrote

Never heard of that one; but BPD has a similar category; there are 10 categories and need only 5 of 10 for BPD.


givemeabreak432 t1_j6bxsnw wrote

Maybe I'll talk with the therapist about it. I'm doing one on one sessions with him as well as couples counseling.

The thing is, she hasn't agreed to more one on one sessions either yet, just the couples counseling. Hopefully the therapist can get her to go, cause i definitely can't tell her.


satxgoose t1_j6bxzy2 wrote

You can’t tell her that and your therapist won’t know without him depth one on one with her; just YouTube BPD and relationships and you will know quite easily for yourself. It will at least solve a curiosity.


givemeabreak432 t1_j6bzh98 wrote

I don't think that she has that. She definitely suffers from anxiety, but it's expressed differently than that. Adjustment Disorder makes sense though.


[deleted] t1_j6cqidy wrote



givemeabreak432 t1_j6ctrjg wrote

Man, i was just responding to that other guy who decided to diagnose my wife with one line. You guys don't have the full story. I have been introspective and trying to work on myself. I have been actively trying to change myself. Honestly, I have been blaming myself and my own actions a bit too much, according to my family.


11BloodyShadow11 t1_j6b6gg6 wrote

I am pretty close to that same thing my man. You aren’t alone, but we’ll figure it out.


EspressoVagabond t1_j6cxrpp wrote

Weirdly I just realized I'm six months and a day since getting laid off from what also seemed like my dream company to work for.

The first couple weeks are the toughest, mentally. But it gets better. And I found that it's really an opportunity as well. I started a business, learned to code, lived abroad in some lower cost-of-living areas. That's not gonna be the path for everyone, but it's been great for me. And while I'm definitely still carrying some of the baggage from the layoff, it's lighter today.

Keep your head up! It's important to keep in mind that any job is still just a job. It's not your whole life, so don't make it.


einsibongo t1_j68xeo6 wrote

Oh, you mean like in a good way?


Autumnlove92 t1_j6ag4f1 wrote

6 months ago everything was okay. Then 6 months went by, eggs are $7 dozen, and things are total shit. This works both ways


IMidgetManI t1_j6b0k5x wrote

Being able to appreciate good things when things are bad is a valuable skill.


s1xc t1_j68yjqg wrote

I'm so motivated after reading this.


LordJosh286 t1_j6bvjl8 wrote

6 months ago I was working salary for a job for a company I truly believed I would be retiring with. However I found out that they were taking advantage of my willingness to be a “team player” and work 60 hour weeks giving up time with family and girlfriend who I’ve been with for 7 years. They even wanted me to skip my girlfriend’s grandmother’s funeral to cover a shift. On top of that I was always made fun of in meetings and on my days off behind my back and eventually started receiving workplace bullying. I was fired once i stood up for myself.

Today Im in a new job with a company (making less but I’m hourly) and they are one of the best companies in the area to work for. Sometimes it takes putting yourself first to be happy and take care of yourself. Now I can be with family and my girlfriend and have a bigger team Im working in so i can have days off and vacations. Their loss is how i see it


KhaleesiDog t1_j6by2z4 wrote

You have everything you need to be happy right now. Chasing a future happiness is a losing race that always leads to suffering. Things get better today, because today is all we’ll ever have!


zen_op t1_j69gedm wrote

So true. Feels like Im constantly undergoing some transformation and becoming a way better person each day than I ever imagined to be. All’s happening organically, here lies the magic.


[deleted] t1_j6agixs wrote

I wish everything would get better dead part of my spine don't know why. I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia, chronic pain, severe atrophy I am suspicious for an autoimmune disorder or Ehlers-Danlos according to my doctor I have been trying so hard. Financial problems no disability and a job I'm told by doctors I can only work 6 hours 3 days a week. Taken two years to lose everything I ever knew:)


Ender825 t1_j6ak2r5 wrote

I fear I’ll be homeless or preparing to be in 6 months. So yeah, I agree.


Emire602 t1_j6b6m8s wrote

Got dumped 6 months ago, tough breakup and i was a complete chaos. Now, after 6 months, I workout 4 times a week, got accepted to my dream college, made new friends, got a promotion at work, and became mentally/emotionally stronger. Definitely true!!💪


SickOfEverthing t1_j6bt1l2 wrote

This has been so very true for me… I’ll have 6 months of sobriety in a week and a half. Fully paid off my credit cards, lost a TON of weight, and in a much better headspace now. Can’t wait to see how the next 6 months will go 🥰


Posthumoushangry t1_j6buyni wrote

Roughly 4 months ago I was in prison facing 11 years. It scared me straight and I went into overdrive after being released early and the charges dropped. I came out with $8 to my name. I now live in an immaculate and beautiful home and recently started a job that I am not at all formally qualified for in aero space engineering. Ive taken chances and in a lot of ways been very lucky but I'm amazed at what I've accomplished in such a short time. I'm completely sober and weaponized. Looking forward to the future with renewed hope and a clear head.


Calheaven t1_j6cerhv wrote

A lot of people taking the wrong message from this... Don't look back 6 months if everything is shit now. Look forward to 6 months from now when life will be better.

5 months ago I went through my first break up and I thought life would never be good again. Now I'm finally starting to feel better and see the positives in life again.


suolisyopa t1_j69e83k wrote

This is kind of freightening tho


vessva11 t1_j6a719z wrote

I keep taking L’s. 😓


Dangerous_Play8787 t1_j6abd9e wrote

I’m just trying to get through the day. I can’t think about 6 months from now


itcanbedone81 t1_j6ap0jf wrote

Thank you for this post! I've been working hard and the past few weeks have been hard, and I've let a few things slip. However, after seeing this post I know I will have hard times, but just keep moving forward.


Feardemon3 t1_j6araxz wrote

Woo-hoo 2 months togo.


pekingeseeyes t1_j6b6kc2 wrote

I needed this today. Thanks for the reminder!


p0t0o0o0o0o t1_j6bcnl9 wrote

Woah. I love this. A great reflection point, where were you in July compared to today.


[deleted] t1_j6bsvd5 wrote

I really hope so..


riotblade76 t1_j6bt14l wrote

I've just been in a breakup 2 days ago. Would this work for me?


R6S9 t1_j6c0kjm wrote

Needed that. The final frontier is self regulation.


Last-Two-6780 t1_j6c4w6a wrote

I read that a year ago and I’m definitely in a different space. It’s more fucked up, more shitty, more depressing and more agonising.


dndrugs t1_j6c7dd0 wrote

I've been on Reddit since 2005. This was the first thing I screenshotted and saved in all that time


sakurosan t1_j6cg08n wrote

How would 1 do this? 6 months is not that long.

I am 23 and feel old and regret not doing fun stuff. Busy with last year of computer science but i dont want to become a programmer anymore.

I dont have a lot of friends, i am broke and have 30k student debt. I am not fit and drug addicted. No drivers license or a vehicle.

How would i fix this in 6 months?


imhangryagain t1_j6curf4 wrote

Set your alarm clock. Get up at the same time every day. Make your bed and take a brisk walk. While walking think about what is important to you and when you come back home do something to make this happen. Even if it is only looking up a phone number to ask about a job. Feeling productive will start your day off the right way - this is from someone who has experienced a huge personal loss. You’ve got this!!


Teminite2 t1_j6d95u6 wrote

I can't put into words how crazy the last year was. My life has been turned 180 and I never saw it coming.


janglebo36 t1_j6dl4u7 wrote

Ngl I really fucked up lately and I really needed to see this today


Aidamis t1_j6dyzrp wrote

Well I am very different six months after starting my new job, but it just feels not enough.

I'm my biggest disappointment ever since I had a major depressive episode that led to me switching majors and setting five years of college aside for 4 and 1/2 years studying a different area.

I constantly feel five years behind and failing the grand mission I set for myself back when the depressive episode happened. Even the "good" things I do feel like punishment because I view the objective of personal happiness and grow as vain, narcissistic and self-centered. Yes at the same time I feel like I'm not cut for politics or starting a big business to have the messianic influence I hoped to have to atone for I don't even know what.

I have simultaneously pride, perfectionism, loss of faith, despair, shame, guilt and low self-esteem, and I barely reduced the pressure I put myself under (something my therapist brought up).

No matter what I do, it never feels enough. Yet I can't allow myself to go seek peace/enlightenment through meditation cause my ego is too scared of getting destroyed.


frencylen t1_j6mu14k wrote

Thank youuuuuuuuuu.


kelkkakao t1_j68j0ry wrote

Why six months and not now? There is always next six months.


Ethario t1_j691noy wrote

Exactly enjoy the moment now cause in 6 months it might all have gone to shit.


dranaei t1_j69mpch wrote

I kinda like where i am right now tho.


katergator717 t1_j6a0orh wrote

This is inspirational and reassuring if you're currently in a BAD place, however, if you are currently in a GOOD place, it's rather terrifying and ominous


MidoriTheAwesome t1_j6a5vfv wrote

My life is pretty good rn so I don't love this lol


EuropeanTrainMan t1_j6anl0r wrote

Yes. In 6 months you can be in worse position than you are now regardless of how much effort you put in.


IAmFacinatedByYou t1_j6aqxw5 wrote

You know this works in the inverse

6 months from now my life could be worse than it ever has been

It's all about perspective 😌


Hazabet t1_j6b17rb wrote

انا كابتن مساچ برايفت من اكتوبر 28سنه اللي محتاج جلسه يكلمني


OnlyFlannyFlanFlans t1_j6b4yvw wrote

Spiritually? What, am I going to be so sleep deprived from juggling my job and my new projects that I'll start hallucinating mystical entities?


CMulgrove t1_j6bklki wrote

As someone who's in a good place right now but working in an industry going through a lot of high profile layoffs lately, this one hits a little different for me, lol


white-dumbledore t1_j6bwrsv wrote

Can go both ways. Went the wrong way for me.

I'd give anything to go back to where I was 6 months ago.

This isn't motivation. This is just a generic and kind of dumb thing to say.


SQReder t1_j6c6vv3 wrote

Wow, really motivating for Russians and Ukrainians now 😵


crookedcrimesisters t1_j6cq05c wrote

6 months ago my now ex husband of 13 years got me pregnant for the 5th time. I thought we were working on reconciliation apparently those were just words and he had other plans. A month later he cut me off and moved in with his girlfriend. I just found out yesterday she’s pregnant too. 6 months from now I’ll be raising a daughter whose father abandoned her while he welcomes another life. I pray to God I can be enough for her because the guilt that he has nothing to do with her because of me kills.