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Sparrow_Flock t1_j7myzxk wrote

You are making one huge assumption here that is false.

That the majority of the policy makers CARE about our well being. This is especially not true in the US.


EERMA OP t1_j7ycp2z wrote

Yeah - it's the same here in the UK: policy makers are not interested in the population's health (the current corrupt UK regime are interested only in either feathering their own nests, serving their far right paymasters or both).


We will need major political changes i.e. such that politicians actually serve the electorate, rather than themselves, to establish smart systems and processes for our wellbeing provision. In the meantime, those who can st have to keep on keeping on doing the best the can.


Sparrow_Flock t1_j80h40p wrote

Honestly at least I’m the US we need to instill term limits on the house and senate, and take care of the wide spread gerrymandering, and it’ll fix itself. Unfortunately the right has managed to drive a wedge between the people using religion to control them, so half the population votes against their own interests and another quarter of them is so poorly educated that they don’t understand how the government actually works.

I’ve been thinking about this problem a lot lately and I am absolutely stumped on how to get past it.