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finallynotthelast1 t1_j7fg9af wrote

I wasted the first 6 years after high school failing out of colleges. Went back almost 8 years later and got UG and MBA with honors in 3 years. It’s all about how you can do it, not how others do it.


ExplorerAdventurous8 t1_j7eu1n3 wrote

I recently started university at the age of 26, I'm surrounded by 18-year-olds with whom I essentially have nothing in common, and I feel both uncomfortable and out of place, as well as completely stoked.


Frosty_Hamster5740 t1_j7goofa wrote

I taught college English at 21. Everyone in the class was older that I was. The most engaged and prepared students were always the older ones not being forced to attend. And they made it so much better for everyone because they weren’t afraid to ask questions and wanted to be there. You should definitely be stoked. I’m excited for you 😃


Gilamath t1_j7fh64n wrote

I signed up for a five-year program to get a BA in Philosophy and Poli Sci. Took seven years to get it done, collapsed under years of unresolved mental health issues, a suicide attempt, untreated ADHD, and poor habits. After I graduated, I was too beat up and afraid to finish the law school applications I had started, and let my decent 168 LSAT score gather dust. I graduated with a 2.9 GPA anyway, so not the best shot at law school anyway

Well, I built myself back up and began a new life. Now I'm taking the little bit of money I had saved up for law school and spending it on an IT degree (at a low enough price tag that I won't have to take out loans). I'm still struggling for my As and Bs, and things aren't easy right now, but I'm here. I'm gonna do what I want. I'm still walking


stitchlover t1_j7icewh wrote

41F and I'm about halfway through with my bachelor's. Also work full time. Started in December of 2019 right before covid hit. It's a long road but each semester I get closer and closer to graduation.


hkbreezy8 t1_j7hbj4j wrote

Like the late great nipsey hussle said. It's a marathon not a race. 🏁


domainmaker t1_j7iicl3 wrote

I wish I would've learned earlier in life that nobody cares, everyone is too busy worrying about their own insecurities to care about yours.


CalmSofa t1_j7im4yd wrote

My wife is about to earn a degree at 40. She never had the chance to go to college before. So proud of her and happy that we are able to send her now.


Donvack t1_j7j0azi wrote

Education is not a competition. Do what you have to do to live the life you want. And hold up your head with pride when you get your degree. No matter how long it took you to get it.