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Gilamath t1_j7fh64n wrote

I signed up for a five-year program to get a BA in Philosophy and Poli Sci. Took seven years to get it done, collapsed under years of unresolved mental health issues, a suicide attempt, untreated ADHD, and poor habits. After I graduated, I was too beat up and afraid to finish the law school applications I had started, and let my decent 168 LSAT score gather dust. I graduated with a 2.9 GPA anyway, so not the best shot at law school anyway

Well, I built myself back up and began a new life. Now I'm taking the little bit of money I had saved up for law school and spending it on an IT degree (at a low enough price tag that I won't have to take out loans). I'm still struggling for my As and Bs, and things aren't easy right now, but I'm here. I'm gonna do what I want. I'm still walking