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mayafied OP t1_j7ikoo4 wrote

Well, when you view yourself as a time-traveler, you become acutely aware that every decision you make today will shape your future. This mindset can give you the motivation and inspiration to make good choices that align with your goals and aspirations. So you can actively shape your future instead of just passively letting it happen to you.


cashewbiscuit t1_j7iksuk wrote

I was already aware my current xhoice shape my future. I don't need to.imagine myself as a time traveler for that


mayafied OP t1_j7imsvh wrote

Of course, you're right. It's just a different perspective that can help you focus on the impact of your decisions. But ultimately, it's about being mindful and intentional with your choices, whether you view yourself as a time traveler or not. The important thing is to understand the power you have in shaping your future.