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GeezusManForReal t1_j7rgtn9 wrote

I'm on day 231 today. I used to be a junkie. Sobriety will deliver you everything that the drugs/alcohol promised.


smack4u t1_j7sm8lb wrote

Can you explain further?


WillRollon t1_j7sun4m wrote

I’ll try though I’m battling my own addictions. Drug/ alcohol use typically start as attempts to make you feel good. Takes your mind off stuff, makes you feel better, helps forget life’s stressors. Do it enough and you start to only feel good when using/ consuming. Then you feel miserable without it. So you keep doing it more often and your body, your mental sharpness, your health, your relationships all start to deteriorate. So you use more and more to distract you from those issues as well. Short periods of sobriety only give you an excuse to “celebrate” and your using again.

Then, god willing, a moment of awareness takes hold and a conviction to stop using becomes a goal. If you survive the “withdrawal” and continue on the path of sobriety long enough, you start to rebound. For example, I’m a functioning alcoholic so though I always took care of my kids, sobriety gave me stamina to cook better food, read to them regularly, have more patience, and not be exhausted regularly. I’m just a better parent now. The happiness I chased through excessive use was achieved through sobriety.


LeprosyMan t1_j7ts062 wrote

I’m proud of you. But never, ever, trust that asshole in the mirror.


MysticBaba t1_j7tt2fa wrote

Loved this brother.

Thank you for some beautiful words.



Fiberguru t1_j7v27kd wrote

Your reply was spot on. Good luck, wishing you the best


alphakennyb0dy t1_j7w9mr8 wrote

I havent had a sip since Sept! Was functional & all obligations met, but I found myself not wanting to go to restaurants that didnt serve wine/beer. Now im into different teas, coffees, & im glad I'm not hindered by that anymore. I kicked cigs 16 years ago & that was so effing hard. Everytime I kick a bad habit it's like a heavy chain is taken away. & i'm just a bit lighter. Still can function w the chains, just functioning a LOT better as they fall away one by one. Next chain is prob going to be my partner.


RagingErectionMan t1_j7t2yxp wrote

Drugs are bad mkay…. You like drugs more than you value success in life… mkayyyy?
