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Gnuggetrizzle t1_j7uzdmk wrote

Fun fact for all you hip kids. The new mobster has a big bright smile on his face. Like a starlight crystal dream of unity. Then he comes up to you, and sends you to a place of eternal magic and starlight crystal dream fire happiness. That last part is a clue that they killed you.

I know, I don't believe in God, but they are strongly convinced that God is real. So real that they'll put you out of your misery to go and meet them.

God, that gun is cold. If you guys want to know, if you goto hell, at least they have fun and games like tormenting believers in God everywhere. There's no salvation. Apparently all Atheists go to heaven.

Reddit you can take down this post like that one before this, God I'm not thinking clearly. Please don't kill me. Don't ignore this, they are serious about turning this country into a Christian theocratic technocracy. Worse than you'll ever know.


Equivalent_Light7046 t1_j7xbqdc wrote

Down then! I feel the Panick Stop Stop Stop! Moderate and advise.


Gnuggetrizzle t1_j7xezz0 wrote

Look up Jonathan Ian Mathers. I'll come to that dude eventually. I need to know what he knows about that place.