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Lonoty t1_j83wgx4 wrote

The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best is now.


Jam_Nelly t1_j843nnr wrote

My dad says this every time I plant a tree.


DidItForButter t1_j845mnu wrote

Does that get annoying, seeing that you're an arborist?


Jam_Nelly t1_j84b3r7 wrote

Lol..definitely not an arborist but yeah it gets annoying


Canucker22 t1_j857xj4 wrote

Second-best might be 10 years ago. Now is only third best :(


nasty_n8 t1_j86ntlj wrote

If we wanna get pedantic, technically there are an infinite number of better times between now and 20 years ago.


SammlerWorks t1_j83ngmu wrote

Printed this the first time i saw it. I'm 47 now and getting my first comic Kickstarter together called a Hard to Port.

I'm glad this gets reposted because i always lose the downloaded image and my friends need to see this sometimes.


cillosis t1_j837rh8 wrote

Today might be the day then. I should do better.


throwawayforyouzzz t1_j83zcqn wrote

I wish I had hugged my mom more. Today I should dig her up.

Sorry, bad jokes get me through the worst days. I feel she would have appreciated that.

Edit: Today I made one post on reddit instead to make myself feel better. The post might make you feel better too!


originalchaosinabox t1_j84t8gt wrote

Warren Miller was a filmmaker who cranked out ski documentaries. He became famous for the folksy narration he’d provide his films. His sign off for most of his films: “If you don’t do it this year, you’ll be one year older when you do.”


[deleted] t1_j837qjz wrote

Excellent content. Thank you!


WhimsicallyEerie t1_j8383aa wrote

Thanks for the reminder. Regrets get me nowhere except X time later with the same regret intensified.


Nosehair327 t1_j84kp6n wrote

It's one duck, his name is Jim, and publishers are interested!


whitniverse t1_j85w3cr wrote

This is how I feel about a few things in my life, mainly my weight. I’d daydream about sending myself a text pre-lockdown to get my shit together, but obviously that’s impossible. So I’m doing it now, because 2026 me deserves better.


BuffGumby t1_j86n5pe wrote

I'm 32, and only chose last year to start being apart of life again. And I really needed this. I constantly feel depressed because I feel like I threw my 30's and chance at a family away.


AdminsLoveFascism t1_j84m6b3 wrote

I thought he was eating sushi, and was like"aw yeah, get after it guy!"


DarkKnightCometh t1_j84uswb wrote

Can't change your past self, but you can change your future self


ToothyWeasel t1_j857f91 wrote

I started learning playing the mandolin at 32 late last year before I turned 33. I felt like I had missed my chance and should have sooner and I was too late to start but fuck I’m printing this up now for inspiration.


secnull t1_j85a901 wrote

Everytime i see this my thought is, 'It's both' Why didn't I do it earlier, and f it i don't care. I'm doing it.


SiegeStarkiller t1_j861a6x wrote

This image gives me heavy Dalinar Kholin vibes haha


adamtbest t1_j86zdpb wrote

I got my first book published when I was 39.


ButterSkates t1_j84kefs wrote

Brb, going to go put $100 on the Baltimore Ravens to win Super Bowl XLVII


Fancy_Female t1_j84ro03 wrote

Then I'll start in 10 years and say this


Random-Rambling t1_j84wiyr wrote

The best time to plant a tree was 10 years ago

The second best time is today.


tmink0220 t1_j857gff wrote

Yep, I am a late bloomer on all life things....


applehanover t1_j85fgjl wrote

It's never too late to try something new!


thaddeus423 t1_j85umid wrote

I agree, no use putting yourself through constant suffering just for wanting to better yourself.


Velocityraptor28 t1_j85zpmu wrote

or simply "i should have done this years ago, BUT, fuck it, im doing it now anyways"


Sepidy t1_j860dk5 wrote

We always need to be reminded about this 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


BSKustomz t1_j862qi4 wrote

I haven't done Gunpla models since high school, and I just bought my first master grade kit after waffling on it for almost 2 decades, make 12-year-old you jealous


grasspopper t1_j86sgjs wrote

Is he holding those coloring pens with his mouth 😄?


Asesinato t1_j84tjim wrote

It's never to late to learn to use chopsticks.