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Equivalent-Light-396 t1_j85lvom wrote

My radical honesty was facing every aspect of the climate issue, reading as much data as I could, ignoring media, and consuming the science on it. I also went deep on how complex systems work, how they collapse, and how Empires have collapsed before.

I was a climate scientist before I became a software engineer.

Unfortunately, reality is harsh and I wanted to wish it away, in the end, I can’t control the world or the actions of others or what people choose to believe or not to believe. I can only control myself and my emotional response to the current conditions. It’s easy to dismiss the situation out of fear, I reached a point where the data and my fear were at odds and I had to deal with that.

I’m glad it’s such a cluster fuck. That clusterfuck set me free.


waterinhere2 t1_j85nnjj wrote

I dont believe in climate change, I dont even believe the world exists until I open my eyes and it is there and I cannot believe there is such a thing


Equivalent-Light-396 t1_j85of2c wrote

Ok. Just don’t take it for granted assuming it will always be there when you open your eyes 😉

That’s the point OP was trying to make. This is fleeting and the only certainty in this life is one day it and you and I will no longer be


waterinhere2 t1_j85pzid wrote

What is being ? what are we without thoughts? There has to be a ground in which is these thoughts arise

A ground of some sort, an emptiness that things come on top of it
