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Neither_Suspect2661 t1_j8btnvs wrote

I really needed this.

I'm currently being attacked by the evil wolf as I'm trying my best to feed the good wolf. And I'm fighting with all my might not to let the evil wolf eat.


yesandreas t1_j8c5tf6 wrote

The more you try to push away a feeling the more it will attack. If you acknowledge it, own and accept that you are feeling it you can then let it go. The more you starve it the more it fights for survival. Feed it, acknowledge it, decide you don’t need to act on it and let it go. Fed wolves are happy wolves. Happy wolves don’t fight


designer_farts t1_j8c253z wrote

You and me both. We got this!


throwawayforyouzzz t1_j8d4q5p wrote

I want you to let the bad wolf out daddy