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Gordon_Explosion t1_j8c0322 wrote

"You have two wolves inside you. Sorry about the transporter accident."

~Chief O'Brien


GsTSaien t1_j8c3ri7 wrote

Inside me there are two wolves. One is gay, the other is gay.

I'm gay.


Spank86 t1_j8ei4oc wrote

I'm happy for your wolves. I hope they have a beautiful life together.


[deleted] t1_j8bwhz6 wrote

I have seen this referenced a thousand times. What proof do you have that a real Cherokee ever came up with this saying? Give me some proof.


Wilwander t1_j8cxa2a wrote

It wasn’t.

It was created by white evangelist Billy Graham.


AstroOwl_thestriks t1_j8crtag wrote

Would the fact that Cherokee came up with this saying somehow give it additional merit? Would the fact that they didn't somehow substract from its merit?

I mean, i have strong suspicion that this saying is attributed to Cherokee only to get "omg omg wise old cherokee said it by the fire so deep much wisdom very nature" reaction. But it has or has not its meaning regardless.

(Editied: numerous typos)


HighUnderLander t1_j8d8vny wrote

Truth matters, spreading bullshit should be called out.


AstroOwl_thestriks t1_j8dex1j wrote

Yeah, i agree.

Point i was trying to make was "okay, suppose you don't know it's Cherokee. Your opinion on this somehow changes? If it does, maybe *that* is why 'Cherokee' was added here in the first place?".

We still definitely should expose bullshit and misattributing quotes/sayings.

What i was trying to confront was not only the lie about origin, but also the *reason* the lie is here in the first place. Because next time we might not recognize the lie, or the origin will be truthful, but we still need to be aware of how attributing quote so someone might make us put more weight in it than necessary.


TheGrumpyre t1_j8de0d5 wrote

People crave context. The quote can stand on its own, but people want to know more, and then their curiosity will lead them to find out it's fake. And it's got to be a little less motivational to be reminded that people are so willing to take shortcuts, tell little falsehoods, borrow cultural stereotypes to prop up their own invented proverbs etc. It's impossible to share the story without the context coming along for the ride.


briefnuts t1_j8dw3ql wrote

I think you're focussing on exactly the right thing.

For example:

In "the Boy Who Cried Wolf" a young boy enjoys yelling “wolf” and laughing as the adults in his village run around in a panic. But one day, he sees an actual wolf, and cries out “wolf” to try and get someone to save him. But no one comes because noone believes him anymore.

Instead of just taking the lesson ("don't lie"), we should be putting all of our efforts into:

Who is this boy? Where did he come from? What type of wolf was it? Was it even an unfriendly wolf? When did this story take place? How old was the boy? Where were his parents? Why was there a wolf? Why was there a boy? What were his/her pronouns? What did his diet consist of? Did the boy have 2 wolves inside him too? Did 1 wolf escape? Was this why he cried wolf so much?

Conclusion: Only after getting the crucial context should we allow ourselves to take lessons from parables to heart.


TheGrumpyre t1_j8dyyop wrote

Do you feel like all fiction is inherently duplicitous, just to a greater or lesser degree? It's all completely fake, of course. But I think that a work of fiction that claims to be a true story is not "more fake", but fake in a different way (vs a work of fiction that is up-front about being purely imaginary.)

Like, if James Cameron claimed that Titanic was based on the true romantic story of two real passengers on the Titanic, that's clearly not the same thing as making up a story about two fictional people on the Titanic.


etfarmgirl t1_j8e9zfe wrote

I'm an old Cherokee and I would never say such shit to my grandson


CoffeeStainedStudio t1_j8fro9j wrote

I’m an old Cherokee and it’s complete bullshit. I should know; I’m not even an old Cherokee.

My complete dipshit provincial Premier, Danielle Smith, falsely claimed to be part Cherokee and the whole Cherokee Nation in Canada called her out.


MuskratSmith t1_j8eawbj wrote

Can attest: 60-y-o Cherokee, long haired clan. First brush of this was on Reddit about a year ago. Mebe ‘cause I was raised cracker, but this the sort of pithy nonsense my aunts and uncles woulda tossed out there along with "Neither a borrower nor a lender be. . ." and "take yer hat off at dinner."


MeBroken t1_j8cqtev wrote

Sometimes it isn't important who said what, but what was said. The only thing I'll remember is to be aware of what wolf I'm feeding, and I don't need to know who said it for it to help me.


[deleted] t1_j8dspda wrote



[deleted] t1_j8e2uz1 wrote

Ancient white guys lived very similar lifestyles to Native Americans. They hunted deer, elk and bison. They worshipped gods based on animals before Christianity was introduced to them. They wore loin cloths and animal skins to keep warm during Winter. So this idea that hurting animals is isolated to Europeans is really a dumb comment lacking any deep thinking.


utterlyuncool t1_j8coxgn wrote

There are two wolves inside you. You should probably see a doctor. Recommended number of wolves inside you iz zero.


Neither_Suspect2661 t1_j8btnvs wrote

I really needed this.

I'm currently being attacked by the evil wolf as I'm trying my best to feed the good wolf. And I'm fighting with all my might not to let the evil wolf eat.


yesandreas t1_j8c5tf6 wrote

The more you try to push away a feeling the more it will attack. If you acknowledge it, own and accept that you are feeling it you can then let it go. The more you starve it the more it fights for survival. Feed it, acknowledge it, decide you don’t need to act on it and let it go. Fed wolves are happy wolves. Happy wolves don’t fight


designer_farts t1_j8c253z wrote

You and me both. We got this!


throwawayforyouzzz t1_j8d4q5p wrote

I want you to let the bad wolf out daddy


yesandreas t1_j8c4k51 wrote

No, you feed them both and they will serve you well. They will both always be there and if you feed only the light wolf the dark will wait to take advantage. The dark will always go after the light if starved. If you acknowledge the dark and nourish it’s qualities of strength, courage and strategy while letting out the negative in healthy ways it will be happy and will not compete. When you are whole and acknowledge all of yourself even the shadow parts there is no internal struggle. You can choose to starve one part of yourself forever or guide both to something greater.


theRuathan t1_j8e5cc6 wrote

Next level thinking, here. Best way to avoid toxic positivity, too.


yesandreas t1_j8ga9n0 wrote

I can’t stand toxic positivity! Feelings are normal and we need to be authentic. We have to love the dark parts of ourselves to really love ourselves.


EngineZeronine t1_j8d3un0 wrote

There are two wolves in you. One is wrong. The other is wrong. You are wrong


MeMeWhenWhenTheWhen t1_j8daim9 wrote

I've seen too many "there are two wolves inside you" meme lol


nevertrustamod t1_j8e00j3 wrote

I cannot fucking believe someone, unironically, posted the ‘two wolves’ thing as inspiration. Misattributed, at that.

Leave this nonsense to the evangelicals that fabricated it.


EvyX t1_j8csb81 wrote

The most cringe over-used inspirational quote of all time


RenzoARG t1_j8cqlxw wrote

> [IMAGE] Be careful what you feed

Dude, that's called text... It is not an "image" just because you save it as jpeg.


ThecoachO t1_j8cgd7z wrote

That’s not the full story.

Think about it if you don’t feed the angry wolf he gets desperate and ruthless.

You Jane to acknowledge and accept and express your angry emotions in as healthy was as possible or that wolf will become so enraged that it will overcome you…. Usually over something trivial.

Go search out the full story for yourself.


JCPRuckus t1_j8ci7bg wrote

This is like 'New Mutants'. Expect that story was about two bears, and also had a bad to middling movie attached to it.


breathofsunshine t1_j8cuura wrote

There are two bears inside Dani Moonstar. One is super scary, and the other is badass and awesome. Also they’re the same bear and it killed her parents I think


Ayush_Namikaze t1_j8cie22 wrote

But you have to be careful that you don't let evil wolf die. Otherwise if you are too good people will take advantage of you and use you.


Next_Faithlessness87 t1_j8cjbj9 wrote

I'm not sure if that's true 'cause darkness and light cannot exist without the other (in a metaphorical sense but actually you could say it's also a somewhat technical sense since you won't be able to differ light in a world with only light, and the same goes for a world of darkness. Basically, if all you have is light and no darkness, you won't recognize the light, and vice versa), so ye can't just go like: "Oh, I'll sure there's the least amount of bad in my life and the most amount of good" because sometimes, to reach the good, you must go through some bad. Just look at any activity where ye work hard to achieve great outcomes as an example.


buckeye27fan t1_j8cyanv wrote

Are we going to pretend this isn't a Facebook post because it's all words and no pictures?


lid-flip-smiles t1_j8d46r6 wrote

"There are two wolves inside me, neither care for the opinion of sheep"

-Dwight Shrute (probably)


FlashMcSuave t1_j8d6nbs wrote

"There are two wolves inside you."

"... You should probably stop eating wolves."


thebigrooster00 t1_j8doc6p wrote

Men have a third wolf living inside their dicks that just wants to fuck all the people. He gets fed often lol


cycoivan t1_j8dox7n wrote

I'm feeding both wolves, so that way I always come out on top


SeptonMeribaldGOAT t1_j8dw1wl wrote

Quick plug for one of my favorite podcasts, The One You Feed (

They put a lot of work into it and the host has a very kind, humble and genuine soul. It's also free on all the major podcast apps, I've been listening to it for years now and only just recently became a patreon member.

I really can't say enough good things. I've learned so much from Eric and his many guests throughout the years, and It's helped me take ownership of my life and make improvements that have made a big difference. Little by little, a little becomes a lot.

I truly wish more people could listen and get as much out of it as I have.


nullending t1_j8emi10 wrote

Thank you for sharing this. One of the few comments that actually contributes.

FYI for others: while the Patreon link is posted, you can subscribe to the podcast for free.


danielsangeo t1_j8e433c wrote

"Inside you are two wolves. Both are named Moon Moon."


Sir_Nightingale t1_j8e6993 wrote

There are 2 wolves inside of you. It is a very successfully furry convention.


RiotingMoon t1_j8gbw7l wrote

I hate this quote and it's fake ass "said by a native" bs when it was created by a colonizing evangelist white dude.

not motivational


MicooDA t1_j8d70j6 wrote

Inside you there are two bears. If you feed the demon bear it will attack you and your friends in your New Mutants school


inkseep1 t1_j8dgbhr wrote

Both of mine are too lazy to do much but eat.


buwefy t1_j8dpkwx wrote

This is so old, reading it made me feel old, and lose a motivation..


River_Tahm t1_j8drlzi wrote

>We all have two voices in our heads: fear, and love. The one you listen to will shape you. The one you ignore will fade away.

  • Louder Voice, FFAK

MrAnseBundren t1_j8duw8n wrote

Wtf, this is the dumbest bullshit I've ever heard -- it's two BEARS that everyone has inside them.


FrozenFrac t1_j8eoeip wrote

This will never get old, no matter how much it's become a meme these days


Xion-Gard t1_j8eq18t wrote

They also say this where I live


bronzelifematter t1_j8exbkd wrote

The one you feed will be a spoiled dog who don't know how to hunt for itself.


CoffeeStainedStudio t1_j8fu6sp wrote

The old man quietly replied “Always evil. 100% of the time.”


WumboMachine t1_j8fxcli wrote

Sounds like a cool intro to a song...


Earthbjorn t1_j8g3pvk wrote

One of them eats only blood And the other eats only CANDY!!!


darkThunder123456789 t1_j8gaoo6 wrote

How do you not feed the wrong wolf ? How do you feed the good one ? What if the only food you have is for the bad wolf ? How do you win ?