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raouldukesaccomplice t1_j8f66xm wrote

I've been litigating and relitigating my past and marinating in regret this past week about everything - the past few years, college, high school, childhood, the whole thing. I'm currently trying to do things I really should have done like a decade ago or more.

This gives me hope.


Thank-you1234 t1_j8hn448 wrote

As someone who did everything they “should’ve done” and still winding up on the shit end of a stick, cherish that hope and use it as motivation.

Instead of even starting to rebuild my entire life, I’m stuck trying to decide why. And I’de damn near kill just to get that hope/drive back.


unclemik9 t1_j8iidvo wrote

It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose. That is not a weakness. That is life. if you keep trying, long term it gets better. 30 yr old me never saw where 53 yr old me wound up. Hang in there.


Thank-you1234 t1_j8ku0p7 wrote

I appreciate that advice and love that quote. But particularly because this is r/getmotivated, I feel like I should clarify. My life is very successful on a surface level (while the quote you gave is 100% true I do not want to lead anyone to think they shouldn’t try).

But I’ve always cared far more about the people in my life than economic success, career achievement. I always viewed those as a means to get to spend time with the people I love doing fun shit, investing my time and energy into them etc. And the shit “end of the stick” is the one time I asked some of them for some emotional support it turned into an argument instead of them really offering anything. Then after said argument my GF (now ex), my best friend and her boyfriend decided to hack some of my accounts and threaten me with pictures of me. Then instead of apologizing they said we can never talk about it again, but we’re not apologizing. So I walked away and they immediately started denying anything & everything to all my social circle who literally believed my ex best friend (and she’s known as loose with the truth). So I feel like I did right by everyone, and then got immediately outcast over the people that I literally just asked for the only apology I think I ever asked them for.


unclemik9 t1_j8l0xth wrote

That quote packs so much wisdom into so few words it is quite amazing and long-term ,yeah cut the toxic people out of your life and don't look back. it will get better without them.