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wanderer1999 t1_j8pf4et wrote

Correct. And even before that it's human biology, mammalian biology, then it's physics and chemistry, geography (because believe it or not geography does influence your behavior, it's where you are born, the countries around your borders...). It goes way way deep.


nunsaymoo t1_j8pfy46 wrote

In the future, scientists will prove astrologers right all along that we're all influenced by the gravitational pull or whatever of everything in outer space.


wanderer1999 t1_j8pkh5b wrote

Well not quite like that but i see what you mean.

We are a product of billions of years of interactions in universe. But nobody really can pinpoint exactly how something that far in the past influence our exact behaviour. It is likely the astrologers are right in that general sense, but still is completely wrong in their exact assertions.


PersonOfInternets t1_j8q2rqd wrote

I don't usually do this but I'm gonna follow you. Actually I've never done that, maybe poppinkream or something but he had his own subreddit so who knows.

Anyway I really like how you mentally organize this in relation to the quote. We are all on a predetermined path determined by different forces converging to create this "river" of fate, only deciding your own path using your sentience will allow you to deviate from it. But that's a choice (and a challenge), it's okay to just flow like water. Not everyone has the strength to swim for the shore, but we should try to enjoy the view nonetheless.

Hell, for all we know the ones who deviate could be predetermined anyway. #followthewhiterabbit


wanderer1999 t1_j8qae5x wrote

It is nice to see someone who can see eye to eye. And thanks for the kind words, I have much more to learn myself.

I actually got this from brilliant people like Sam Harris, Alfred Mele, Brian Greene...

Again, this is not to say that we should live with abandonment because we still have some control in our small lives. But to me this philosophy is more relaxing, like flowing in water as you say.