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Fancy_Female t1_j9kuxt6 wrote

Just pay extra into your premiums. I'm not sure that insurance companies will take your extra money and put it towards a cause. So, how about you just take out a couple million dollars and put it in a fund for people with no legs?

I mean because we're willing for our premiums to go up, but we have other specific causes that we want our money to go to. And we can't afford to fix all the world's problems. That's just reality.


Trips-Over-Tail t1_j9m6opi wrote

I think we can afford to fix substantially more problems than we even try to, and eliminating the corrosive effect of profit-driven enterprise would go along way toward doing that, as would eliminating the very possibility of the ultra rich. Most people have no concept of how rich a handful of people are, for the same reason they can't quite grasp the size or age of the universe.


Fancy_Female t1_j9mvmzd wrote

Not interested in making the universe smaller or Rich people's pockets smaller.

It won't make your dick larger or your pockets larger, respectively. Mostly because Even the size is relevant, we don't compare dicks to the universe. And as for money, we don't live in a zero sum economy where the excess of someone's wealth came from stealing from you. It came from supply and demand. And you just don't supply enough of things people demand. Furthermore, stealing doesn't fix the world's problems.


Trips-Over-Tail t1_j9mw8sb wrote

Firstly, why are you talking about dicks? Secondly, this isn't about stealing money, it's about preventing the theft in the first place.


Fancy_Female t1_j9mxjp0 wrote

Oh so you're going to stop the demand. That seems fair. But you have to do it in a moral way - like offering an alternative good for free. Like you can't shoot people, for instance, who are about to give rich people money in exchange for a good or service.


Trips-Over-Tail t1_j9n2cv3 wrote

Break up the massive corporations, restore the anti-trust laws that presided over the most prosperous and fairest decades, hunt down and close the tax loopholes and set a tax rate that ensures the rich pay their fair share (and not, for example, less than I do), set extremely strict political donation limits and campaign spending limits to get the money out of politics, cut corporate welfare and support small businesses instead, establish a single-payer healthcare system to negotiate on behalf of everyone and so shift the negotiating power in favour of the patient, crack down on obscene pharmaceutical profiteering and limit corporate CEO bonuses and shareholder dividends so that their money actually goes into research and not megayachts and lobbyists.


Fancy_Female t1_j9n2rhe wrote

Okay. I agree with that. I thought you were going to be a socialist.

Always find it funny when socialists get mad we bail out banks and stuff... I'm like, wait a minute, that was YOUR ALLs idea lmao..

Capitalism is about letting banks die when they... Die. Socialism is about the public ownership of losses (they just want profits too).

And then I hear "well this is the result of capitalism". Yeah. Carl Mark said that capitalist societies go socialist. So aren't we agreeing that we don't want to go socialist? These safety nets of bailing people out cost US, the taxpayers. Laugh my ass off.

Yeah people don't understand that rich people don't take an income so they don't pay tax. It's not that they're doing loopholes it's that they literally don't have an income. So people can spout off about how angry they are but it really does nothing. We have to go back to the drawing board on taxation to include rich people. The ignorance is frustrating. I just want people to first learn that what rich people do is take out consecutive loans unendingly, BECAUSE they have growing capital for collateral.