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kalysti t1_j8vpxin wrote

Sometimes, we have to make drastic changes to our lives in order to give ourselves a chance at happiness. Get rid of all of your gaming gear and games. Sell it and/or give it away. Then go out and get a physical job in the real world. Make a commitment to stick with that job for one year. Get involved in physical hobbies, too. Stay away from internet surfing and social media as much as you can. Volunteer to do physical things in the real world like food banks, etc. Invest yourself in your real world life. Interact with the people you work with, do hobbies with, volunteer with.

You aren't going to want to do this. Part of you is going to say you can't. Part of you is going to throw a tantrum when you try to do it. Ignore all of that and just keep at it. Consider all of this a course of treatment for your mind and spirit. If you aren't in a better place in a year, you can always try something else.