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AlucardXK t1_j8xn9bf wrote

Your post history also shows you’re looking for a magic pill to save your life. The problem is you. 3 years ago you made a post to want to change, it’s been 3 years, Reddit won’t do it for you. You need to do it by owning up and taking accountability! Everyone’s life is hard, no excuse for your behavior, you’re more like a child at this point.


Fuz8ion t1_j8z7drb wrote

Telling a child not to be a child isn't going to do anything tho, and I think you're comment actually is the most likely to make someone make a realization, not a good one, but hey, being infamous isn't the worst thing in the world. You'll be remembered far beyond anyone else, and for some people that's more valuable than anything else. If that's all that man wants is some validation, there's tons of awful ways to get it. If he's fucked, he might aswell go out with a bang right? (I am self inserting myself as this man and projecting as I'm in a similar position) and hey if this is what y'all are telling me to do, because I am in fact fucked, I might aswell have SOME fun, right? And don't worry, no one is innocent in this scenario 😉


Nogy12 t1_j8zoung wrote

I haven't seen people telling OP (and you in extension, since your inserting yourself as him in your reply) that he is fucked. And he most definitely isn't. They are telling him to not blame others for his past and also to move on from it. And to get on with life in the now.

Nobody is fucked and everybody can start a new life NOW. I got clean after being an addict from my teenage years until age 31. I just celebrated one year of getting clean and turning my life around. I am only just beginning and have way more to accomplish, but life is so good now. I never thought I would ever be a person to enjoy my life.

Anyways I am rambling. All I wanted to say is that you can turn your shit around, and you can live a better life. I hope you can find a better headspace friend and find a life lived with peace of mind


Eaton2288 t1_j9579f2 wrote

I needed to hear this. I’m still only 23 but feel like OP. I’ve been telling myself that I’ve messed my entire life up and I’m never getting out of this (depression, debt, family problems).