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prospekt403 t1_j9iste1 wrote

I’ve read a few comments here and honestly all very good advice. I do however want to provide another pov here. Working on yourself requires dedication, motivation and inspiration. It’s really easy to tell yourself you can do it but most will give up on it thinking it’s not for you, it’s boring or you aren’t progressing fast enough so no point pursuing it.

If I can make a suggestion, it would be to force yourself to commit to a completely foreign environment, go volunteer in a foreign country, see the world and meet new people. Learn how to rely on yourself and others achieve a common goal, learn how to value yourself and provide value to others no matter where you go. The people you meet will be the source of your inspiration and the achievement will be the source of your motivation and the commitment will train your discipline.

I hope this helps. Good luck.


sleeplessbearr OP t1_j9ixvvy wrote

I thought about taking a trip to Japan and then flying around Asia for a bit. Maybe phillipines or Thailand too. After short visit to Korea or something. I dunno. Figured it would get me the fu** out of my shell like you said amd force me to figure it out


prospekt403 t1_j9l60xu wrote

Yes! Travel and see people but remember to give yourself a productive goal, one that contributes and impacts others. I mentioned volunteering because it helps people that might be less fortunate and it’ll bring perspective to how we see everyday lives. I think you will be fine, you are now more introspective than most out there, but being introspective is just the first step, if you don’t act on it, you will start thinking yourself into a downward spiral.