Submitted by expanding_human t3_114jtrd in GetMotivated

Do you know why the comfort zone is shit and you enjoy expanding it?

Even babies don't stay in their comfort zone. Think about it. When a baby is learning to walk, nothing about that is comfortable for them. They are falling down. Bonking their face and head. Stumbling. All kinds of moments challenge their comfort. If a baby lived their life in their comfort zone, they would never walk.

You would have never learned to walk!!

Imagine what that life would look like.

Sitting in the comfort zone is akin to not walking. Stand up and walk. Channel that inner baby. There is a level of toughness you can learn from it so you can expand that comfort zone.

If a baby can challenge their comfort zone, going from crawling to walking, imagine what you can do now as an adult.

Stop playing small!



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Chiquitalegs t1_j8wgjay wrote

As I was watching my 9 month old grandson yesterday I was thinking something similar. He is learning and doing new things all day long.... His brain, his muscles. His curiosity is innate, why does this decrease as we age (for most people). Imagine what we could do if we didn't get stagnate.


expanding_human OP t1_j8xlbow wrote

Agreed! While there are many factors, I think the biggest one is the way many educational systems stifle creativity. Nobody wants to sit still in a desk for 8 hours a day. The teachers don't.....let the kids move their bodies. That IS part of it. So when the get controlled to sit still and shut up.......that dulls them into this state.


Fit_Woodpecker5653 t1_j8wr9p8 wrote

No baby in history has ever fallen and said "well, I gave that a shot" and never tried again. That's a real valid point.


Maternalnudge t1_j8whl62 wrote

Our comfort zone is generally when we are surrounded by what we know. The best way to learn is to go into the unknown!! Venture out our your home and go learn who you can be! Our brains structurally change and create new connections when we do this. It’s why people go on pilgrimages!


theiangrimes t1_j94ttvx wrote

Yeah fuck people born with disabilities they need to get on that #riseandgrind