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countess_snow t1_j91huzr wrote

Reply to comment by danteelite in [Image] 🎯 by mantasmark

When you used to teach, did you give out failing grades?


danteelite t1_j92n01t wrote

I wasn’t that kind of teacher.. lol

I taught self defense, firearms basics and security consulting. It was very important to not let my students give up, because quitting your shooting classes because you can’t keep up, but still keeping your firearm is a scary thought. Same with self defense, I need people to know that ANYONE can keep themselves and their loved ones safe, and it doesn’t require a gun or ninja skills. Stuff like self awareness, common sense, and a little bit of basic planning goes a very long way. 90% of dangerous situations can be avoided before they ever happen.

You’d be surprised how many people feel like a failure when it comes to protecting themselves or their families and how devastating it is for them. They feel like crappy mothers, weak “un-manly” men, or an unworthy partner. I had to very often explain to people that it isn’t their job to be a soldier… basic knowledge and a few simple skills can do 90% of the work. Tap your collar bone or back of your hand lightly with the edge of your cellphone, try it.. hurts, doesn’t it? Surprisingly bad for such a light tap. It doesn’t take much to protect yourself if you know how.

50% of my job was instructing students, preparing classes and teaching, and the other 50% was teaching people to believe in themselves, reassuring people and sometimes answering “stupid questions” because other people who work in the firearms/defense industry are condescending jerks who treat people like morons for not knowing things that they consider “basic”…

So short answer, No. I never failed anyone, I tried to make sure everyone got what they needed from my class, whether it was firearms basics to get their carry license, self defense tactics or just someone to talk to about all of the questions they’ve been too afraid to ask about guns, defense, emergency situations or whatever else.

As a rule, I always believe in people. I know people are capable of so much more than they think they are. It shouldn’t take an emergency or life or death situation for you to recognize how incredible you are! Some people just look in the mirror with one eye closed and need to see themselves through someone else’s eyes who can see how much potential they have and how awesome they are. I don’t know you, but I know you’re incredible too.. I know you’re capable of really amazing things of you want to. Olympic athletes, geniuses and mothers who lift cars off their children aren’t another species… we’re all human. You’re capable of that too! That’s the mindset I keep when I teach or help people.

Hope that helps clarify, sorry if it was misleading or something… I have too much respect for actual academic teachers to try to compare myself to them!


Go88milesperhour t1_j9846lu wrote

I don’t know if anyone has ever told you this but thank you for being you.