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SorryLifeguard7 t1_j91bnww wrote


OP, if you REALLY want a challenge, have a baby and strive for HIS/HER happiness. If not, enjoy the best years of your life - your only plan should be to make sure to defend it from externalities.

You've made it, don't stress about it.


Mooberry_ OP t1_j91mfie wrote

I don’t want kids, so I won’t be doing that.

But I do like the idea of helping those around me for sure, so I think I’ll research volunteer opportunities


APCoach t1_j92c0f7 wrote

Sounds like you might benefit from trying new things. Make it a scheduled thing: once a week, month, or whatever works for you, do a different new activity (like making a content calendar — but way better — bc it’s for your life). Pottery, a 5k, whatever feels new and challenging. If you’re not usually a thrill seeker, maybe switch it up and pick something a little more edgy — something that scares the bejeesus out of you (but also ignites a spark).

Actually, this is the BEST time to find a new passion. Bc you’re not frantic or trying to fill a hole; you’re simply asking more of yourself/life. Psychologically, a super healthy place to be coming from☺️