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No_Sir_3600 t1_j93ouy6 wrote

Have you tried anything in a construction-type field? It wouldn't have to be straight building a building. You could do event work through IATSE at the convention center. People who work as decorators do things like staple table skirts, set up tables, things like that. Or you could be a forklift operator or something similar. That could be union or non-union, for a private company or through a union hiring hall.

Working with the general public can be draining. Sometimes a behind the scenes job (warehouse, kitchen, set-up and take-down type event work) can be better.


samsara_arasmas t1_j9gxleq wrote

If she's got an auditory processing problem, steer well the fuck away from the construction industry, Jesus. Can't imagine how suggesting a workplace where you're subjected to a constant barrage of noise you have no control is beneficial, at all.

I'm speaking from experience. I struggle with noise, personal space etc and worked in construction for 5+ years. Horrid experience. Drills, saws, radios, loud double digit IQ yelling and screaming, orders being barked at you. Definitely not the industry to choose if you don't deal well with a high paced or highly strung environment.


No_Sir_3600 t1_j9kg9wz wrote

IATSE is often just like tables, chairs, table skirts if you're deco. It's convention center/hotel event set up. It's actually not that loud.