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menellinde t1_j94njyx wrote

So as others have said everyone has different aptitudes for different things. For example my husband is amazing at anything mechanical. He can build a car from a pile of junk on the ground or figure out the wiring for a complex home theatre system without even batting an eye. However, if you put him in an "intellectual" role or worse, a customer service type role he will fail horribly and likely be fired on his first day because he has no filter and can't deal with the general jerks of the public.

At 26 you are still so young you have your whole life to figure out "what you want to be when you grow up." I'm 50 and I've only just figured that out in the last few years myself. Of course, I definitely don't want you to take as long as I did but, truth be told I didn't even know until I fell into my current career by accident.

You need to figure out what you love in life and then figure out how to make a living wage doing that. Money is important, you need to make enough to thrive in life, but if you make that money at a job that you hate then it can become a soul sucking abyss from which there is no escape and you will hate your life.