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samsara_arasmas t1_j9gxleq wrote

If she's got an auditory processing problem, steer well the fuck away from the construction industry, Jesus. Can't imagine how suggesting a workplace where you're subjected to a constant barrage of noise you have no control is beneficial, at all.

I'm speaking from experience. I struggle with noise, personal space etc and worked in construction for 5+ years. Horrid experience. Drills, saws, radios, loud double digit IQ yelling and screaming, orders being barked at you. Definitely not the industry to choose if you don't deal well with a high paced or highly strung environment.


No_Sir_3600 t1_j9kg9wz wrote

IATSE is often just like tables, chairs, table skirts if you're deco. It's convention center/hotel event set up. It's actually not that loud.