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craycraycatlady4 t1_j9bbxyx wrote

Keep thinking about the ways in which he failed. The things you never wanted to compromise on but were willing to because you were blinded by love. Write down a list of things you needed that he could never give you. Write all the things you never never want to go without. And the bad things he did that were so bad you really would rather be alone forever than have to go through them again. And read this to yourself every time you miss him. At first it’s only going to calm you maybe for a few seconds, but with time, the intervals get longer. Prioritize your baby, and think about how you or him or anyone else in the world doesn’t matter as long as your baby is doing well. And think about the bad things he or staying with someone like him would have taught your child. It’s okay to feel sad after making the right decision, and it sounds like you did. One day your baby will be very proud of you for your strength. ❤️ this pain is one of the worst in the world so give yourself permission to feel it.