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Porterluv t1_j9lgf5q wrote

My husband went through a very nasty break up when his first wife left him and started a relationship almost immediately after. She moved in the new boyfriend and shortly after this started having the kids call him dad. It was horrible for him. He eventually decided that he needed to move on. He started doing things he couldn’t do in the marriage, like watching tv, listen to the music he likes, eat foods he didn’t get to eat, buy the shirts he liked, etc. you may not have had a controlling partner like this but I’m sure there is some freedoms you can enjoy that are being rewarded to you. You have a child free night I’m assuming. Get together with your girlfriend. Go out dancing. Put on a dress that makes you feel sexy. Pick up a hobby. Start going to the gym. Join a running group. You can’t get over the pain you can only get through it.

My husband made some of his deepest friendships post divorce and reconnected with old friends. Looking at him now va pictures then you can see how much lighter and happier he is.

He’s now obviously remarried and we share a child but he says even though it was the worst pain emotionally, mentally, and financially and biggest failure for him, he’s glad it happened. He got to reclaim his life. Anyone who isn’t invested in the gift that is YOU is not someone worth having around.