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Indorn t1_j9aqhss wrote

Kinda heartbreaking to see. Saw a documentary about survivors that jumped The Golden Gate or was going to. Many that changed their minds just after they jumped. There is help to get!


Writer10 t1_j9bh7cz wrote

“The Bridge.” It’s the most moving documentary I’ve ever watched.


maniacalmustacheride t1_j9blqmg wrote

I cried the first time I watched it, and then cried the second time I watched it when it started. Some of it was fixable, but some of them were failed by the societal system and not because of motivation or friends. Sometimes people are just sick, and they need help, and the day to day combined with lack of access to affordable mental health plus the stigma of being mentally unwell…the jumpers’ pain caused pain for those that knew them, but I really respected how honest about their grief and yet still caring those people were.

I guess my point is, yeah, there’s some great points about all of life’s problems being solvable on the way down, for the guy that did survive. But suicide for a lot of people doesn’t feel like wanting to die. There was an author that wrote about people jumping from the towers at 9/11, and it wasn’t that they wanted to die, but they were more afraid of the fire than of what was out the window. Jumpers don’t always want to die, but being where they are is so inescapable that death is less scary, even a painful one.

But again, that’s why we need better mental health advocacy and better pay for those that work in the field, and less punishment for people that feel any sort of feelings in the job force.


Indorn t1_j9bxu0y wrote

I've lost a couple of persons close to me due to suicide. Still not fully recovered from it, years later. It affects so many more people around. The total cost for the society is so much higher than just the person that commits suicide. Really don't get how it can't be a more prioritised subject where I live.

Politicians are talking about more road safety when it dies a lot more people due to suicide every year than in car accidents.


FoodAndCatSubs t1_j9da2a0 wrote

My buddy Nick committed suicide in 2005.

My mom had a best friend growing up in Canoga Park who had committed suicide in her car by pulling over and swallowing a bottle of sleeping pills. When Breaking Bad came out, my mom noticed Bryan Cranston on tv. She tells me she went to high school with him, but they did not know each other at the time, but coincidentally Bryan had a crush on her best friend.

Several years back, Bryan Cranston wrote in a memoir about a girl he liked in Canoga Park- my mom’s best friend. He wrote that she had died from a car accident when in reality she committed suicide. My mom has wanted to find a way to connect with Bryan to explain what really happened to her if he doesn’t know already. Pretty sad stuff.


Thricey t1_j9cwasr wrote

During a weird, golden age of documentaries I feel like. A lot of originality and getting permission to record things that probably wouldn't be allowed much right now. I couldn't take my eyes off that doc.


kavardidnothingwrong t1_j9awu1m wrote

"Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem".

I saw that same documentary I think, it really shaped how I viewed suicide. One of the survivors I believe stated, "As soon as I jumped, everything I knew was fixable. This wasn't." And miraculously survived.

Life is a cherished gift, this is the only one we have.


Background-Ground-59 t1_j9cenxp wrote

"The View From Halfway Down" in Bojack Horseman


ttrashhmouth t1_j9dnaru wrote

The weak breeze whispers nothing the water screams sublime. His feet shift, teeter-totter deep breaths, stand back, it’s time.

Toes untouch the overpass soon he’s water-bound. Eyes locked shut but peek to see the view from halfway down.

A little wind, a summer sun a river rich and regal. A flood of fond endorphins brings a calm that knows no equal.

You’re flying now, you see things much more clear than from the ground. It's all okay, or it would be were you not now halfway down.

Thrash to break from gravity what now could slow the drop? All I’d give for toes to touch the safety back at top.

But this is it, the deed is done silence drowns the sound. Before I leaped I should've seen the view from halfway down.

I really should’ve thought about the view from halfway down. I wish I could've known about the view from halfway down—


FozzieB525 t1_j9dsrqj wrote

My depressed ass was not prepared for what Bojack brought in adult animation


etrimmer t1_j9gaivt wrote

I love bojack, It is the best show. I started watching when it was only 3 seasons out. and as soon as i finished i immedeately started a rewatch. Extremely moving show.


Csub t1_j9dtma0 wrote

Before I leaped I should have seen the view from half way down...

So amazing.


Fivefingerheist t1_j9bpnzp wrote

I remember a video a while back that what sounded like a teenage kid had cut something on himself to cause profuse bleeding. He was recording and stumbling around saying he changed his mind, he didn't want to die. Didn't watch to the end, but heartbreaking as from the amount of blood on the floor he was assured to die.


Starshapedsand t1_j9d3f35 wrote

If it’s any comfort, the human body can lose what seem like utterly astounding amounts of blood and live.


Thebeckmane t1_j9cyk76 wrote

The view from halfway down hits a lot differently.


cpt_buttcheeks t1_j9fr9mq wrote

“Many that changed their minds just after they jumped” is fucking haunting. I can’t even fathom


Zero916 t1_j9d82lu wrote

>Many that changed their minds just after they jumped.

How do we know this?


TheRareClaire t1_j9daelf wrote

I believe they know that based on people who survived the fall.


Zero916 t1_j9dlife wrote

Ohh wow people have survived that. I would have never thought that.


Indorn t1_j9e4szu wrote

Yes. I read that there was about 35 survivors of 1800 that jumped.


Negran t1_j9e52kr wrote

I had that same initial thought. Like. How the fuck we know? 🤔

Guess it makes sense, but we'll never know what the others were thinking...


Sbbike t1_j9dt7b1 wrote

I’ve heard a number of survivors say something along the lines of “I realized that all the problems that I thought were impossible were completely solvable, except that I just jumped off a bridge”