Submitted by EERMA t3_11a7ocf in GetMotivated

Even though life can be a fantastic ride, sometimes it can also knock the wind out of your sails. When tough times trigger your insecurities, you can discover an inner strength that will get you through practically anything.

Try these ideas to get started:

Reflect on the tough times you've had before. Ask yourself:

· How did I get through that situation?

· What did I do?

· Which of my strengths did I use?

· What did you tell yourself? With the benefits of hind-sight was that right?

· Should I to be in the same situation again, what would I do differently?

· If I were advising somebody else on how to manage this situation, what would I say?

· How will I apply what I have learned to my present situation?

Learn to talk to yourself in a resourceful way. This will help you build up your inner strength.

· How would you speak to your best friend about this situation?

· Learn how to craft effective affirmations – I have posted about this on my own little corner of Reddit: it’s easy to find.

· Acknowledge confusion as part of the learning process where you’re working something out.

· When were times not rough? – what made them not rough?

Deliberate on your thinking. This will help gain perspective.

· Consider the evidence for and against the thoughts you’re having.

· What alternative explanations are there for the outcomes?

· What are the implications of the outcome? – am I giving myself a balanced appraisal or only considering the worst-case scenario?

· How useful, or otherwise, are my conclusions?

· What limiting beliefs are at play here?

Consider who you regard as role models and mentors. You selected those people because you respect and admire them.

· What would they do?

· How would they manage this situation?

· What capabilities and resources do they have that I also have?

· How can I develop the resources they have which I don’t yet?

Reflect on what you've done or been through that you're most proud of.

· What are your most significant achievements?

· Did you have moments / periods of doubt while achieving those? – how did you over-come them?

· What personal skills, resources and capabilities did you most commonly use to achieve these things? – how can you apply those to the current situation?

Complete the details of this affirmation: Now that I have realised / learned [what have you learned from reflecting on the above], I choose to [what have you chosen to do differently / do more of / start doing] because [the benefits you will gain by making these positive improvements in your life].



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DarkPurse t1_j9to277 wrote

Very helpful. Thank you for taking time to do this


EERMA OP t1_j9xv1gp wrote

It's a pleasure - I post most of my quick reads on Reddit.


Eirkire t1_j9v53ip wrote

Great timing to stumble on this, thank you.


EERMA OP t1_j9xv3da wrote

Welcome - glad you could take something from this quick piece.


EyeballError t1_ja0fio3 wrote

In the midst of winter, I found there was, within me, an invincible summer. And that makes me happy. For it says that no matter how hard the world pushes against me, within me, there’s something stronger – something better, pushing right back.

Albert Camus


truebynature t1_ja3xvkp wrote

Excellent tips- especially how would you speak to your best friend about this? It’s so easy to be overall harsh to ourselves. Thanks for putting this together


EERMA OP t1_ja41flx wrote

You're very welcome, I post most of my quick-reads on my own little corner of Reddit - great to hear you have taken something from this.