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Quizar_Squirrel OP t1_j9y0qo9 wrote

This is something I need to hear every now and then. Wondering about the past and if I made the right choices. Always remember to keep pushing forward and this place is one of the few insanely positive subreddits that I'm grateful for.


clearvu1128 t1_j9yg6b9 wrote

I can really relate to this at the moment. Recently, someone lied to me about something that was important to me at the time, so I decided to stop talking to her. Since then, I've been focusing on school and my physical/mental health, and have been much happier since not interacting with her. But yesterday, I had the urge to message her (but didn't), and even had a dream where I confronted her about the situation. Just gotta keep staying focused, I guess.


Master-Blacksmith453 t1_j9yjkep wrote

I really need this quote ☺️ I hope can move out soon with my current boyfriend:)


truebynature t1_ja0nt7h wrote

Pushing forward can be so hard when self doubt creeps in. Needed this ♥️


KalHowie t1_ja0y2k7 wrote

Everyone needs a little change in their life. Some just don’t know what that change is or should be.

The first step is always the hardest and without sounding cringey, we need to be proud of our current success and use that momentum to keep going strong.

Good luck to everyone on their journey towards a better life!


xGolDee999x t1_ja1g625 wrote

I definitely needed to see this today.


LaLa_Reveal t1_ja2c91b wrote

Got to see this at the right time, ty.