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triciniumfa t1_j9z8urp wrote

I used to be just like you - weekday warrior, weekend slacker. And actually, your point around scrolling your phone really resonated because reducing my screen time was actually the key to how I became productive on the weekend.

I used to start my day on my phone on the weekends because I thought I “earned” it. But I’ve found this is a really bad habit because it’s not just the time you spend scrolling, but the fact that the actual act of scrolling re-wires your brain to make you less productive overall.

Reducing my screen time on the weekend was what allowed me to finally focus on what I wanted to.

Tips to help reduce your screen time are:

Delay usage as late in the day as possible. We have the most self-control in the morning before we start scrolling. But once we start, it’s 10x harder to stop. Take advantage of this biological fact by delaying use as late as possible.

Find a good screen time app. Because app blockers have never worked for me I use Present which motivates me to stay off my phone through gamified challenges. But there are countless others out there - find one that works for you.

Move all non-essential app use to your computer. You don’t have to delete your social media accounts, but you really should delete the app from your phone. Creating a rule that you will only use these apps on your computer makes your use much more intentional. In the long run, you will actually get more value from them

This had a noticeable impact on my focus and attention within a few days. Give it a try - hope these help!