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PomatoTotalo t1_ja7k65j wrote

Have Friend's who have the habits. Take an addiction you have, quit it and turn the healthy habit into your new addiction. And we come full circle.


LordOfTheWeb t1_ja7nckg wrote

Carry a water bottle with you at all times. Even if I forget it upstairs half the time, just by trying to do this I am drinking so much more water and so much less soda it's incredible.


galaxyeyes47 t1_ja7ong1 wrote

Track it somewhere you can see. A wall calendar, an open notepad on your table. Something easy, visual will help you see your patterns better and ideally make you want to stick to them bc of our lizard brains that like patterns. So the more checkmarks, stickers, colours, whatever in a row, the better, lizard brain is happy.


_rosanna_ t1_ja7pcoz wrote

Flossing: I put the floss in my shower so every morning when I rinse off, I’m staring at that floss container. Then when it’s time to get out and the water feels so nice that I don’t want to leave… guess what, right there is an excuse to stay another minute. Now it’s a habit and I feel gross if I miss a day


TheRareClaire t1_ja7q8ro wrote

Have friends who are already good at their established habits and work with them. I do better when I talk to friends who are already doing it than friends who are stuck too. I know that's not always an option, so the other thing that helped me was literally just stick charts. Yep. There is something enjoyable about them that makes me wanna do my habits.


BuffGumby t1_ja82n47 wrote

Start the habit even if it means only 5 minutes a day at first, Track progress, take photos, be willing to learn, have fun, fond like minded friends and maybe do the habit as a group, and take it easy on yourself because at least you're trying :)


cookie_pouch t1_ja898c1 wrote

I decided I would floss at least every other day. Every day felt like too much but a few times a week was inconsistent. I told myself it was fine to take one day off but never two in a row and if I wanted to floss multiple days in a row that was fine. Now I floss almost every day which is a big improvement. For me it was finding a way to be consistent without perfect.