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AnneAlbert t1_ja7spb1 wrote

That is gonna be tough.. but worth trying out! Do you have more such experiments?


GiantRetortoise t1_ja8jien wrote

Any proof or supporting research whatsoever? This sounds like a MLM pitch


oopsie20 t1_ja8m31a wrote

This whole thing is from The Huberman Lab Podcast and this is his actual suggestion! He’s a neuroscientist and a professor at Stanford. He also recommends getting sunlight in your eyes within 3 hours of waking up.


mangomochamuffin t1_ja7uarq wrote

'This weeks experiment' 90-120 what?

I already dont drink coffee because i dont like it. I just live the no energy life.


daikonnnn t1_ja7unzp wrote

OP doesn’t have time to proofread, they’re busy copy & pasting this onto every sub they can find, and using it to manufacture the exact same comments on each one so that they can advertise their newsletter in a totally ~natural~ way.


EvolvingMind OP t1_ja7vagr wrote

Haha also a good way to do it. Maybe more relevant for people who are drinking coffee.


Dry_Equivalent_1316 t1_ja82b0g wrote

This is very interesting to know. I drink coffee about 2-3 hours after I wake up because that's when I start to feel a dip. What other interesting experiments do you and your friend have? I'd love to follow as they come up


EvolvingMind OP t1_ja83gzj wrote

Nice to hear that you are interested! We publish one experiment a week. We try to keep them relatively simple so you don't have to completely change your life.

You can find the past experiments here:


Dry_Equivalent_1316 t1_jabo17n wrote

Oh wow you have a nice website too! Any thoughts on having this as a subreddit that links to your site? Subbing will help me see the posts and move to the website :)


EvolvingMind OP t1_jabr0dv wrote

Ah good idea! I will consider this for next week :)


evoic t1_ja8vhcu wrote

I'd prefer to call this, "Things I learned and stole from Dr. Andrew Huberman....almost verbatim" - LINK


EvolvingMind OP t1_ja8vzeo wrote

Indeed taken from him! In my blog post, I quote him and refer to him with a link but I am not allowed to post a link here in the post. Check my blog post for the references I used there!


evoic t1_jaaziep wrote

There is zero chance I will click on your link to read something I already learned from the person you're citing, but please do continue with your grass roots / guerrilla marketing campaign.


EvolvingMind OP t1_jabrg6e wrote

I feel like you are missing the point of this post. It's about taking action and creating a community of people that want to do something.

Seems like you are more of a complainer so I don't think you would fit anyhow ;)

Good luck though!