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turtlerhinoalaska t1_iwktlsw wrote

Yes it’s open but the building is only running like at 25%, outbound is still under construction. They only have 2 floors open as well. The buildings design is good there’s break rooms and bathroom everywhere so that’s good. It’s been kinda chaotic though because they’re still working on everything to start up the building. They also need more people with experience but other than that everything is good.


ventnorphan OP t1_iwkyos8 wrote

Thanks so much! I was excited to transfer there this fall, but they postponed the building opening, so I also cancelled my transfer request since it was too close to the holidays.

I would guess it's the same floor plan as my building CLE3, so two real floors and a mezzanine above each, counting as three floors?

I think I'll put in to transfer in January, BDL4 is just such a great location.