Submitted by BusinessCat85 t3_yx900r in Hartford

Hey all, I am moving to Hartford in 2 weeks, and I renting an apartment. I am from Texas, so I am not used to the weather. I was hoping to get a downtown apartment so I could walk to work, but I was concerned about my safety walking around downtown. How dangerous of an area is it North of Bushnell Park?

I am trying to have a setup where everything is right around me, food, work, places to eat, since I know I am not prepared for this kind of winter. Any advice on the area is much appreciated, Thank you!

EDIT: Wanted to say thank you to everyone for the information. This is a HUGE change for me, and yall are making a big difference!



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osleezyy t1_iwnhdli wrote

If you are in downtown it is safe to walk around for sure. Not many grocery stores in the area. Having a car would make life much easier


BusinessCat85 OP t1_iwniihh wrote

I have a car, I dont mind a 10 min drive to a grocery store, I like to cook :)


osleezyy t1_iwnk60x wrote

Ok nice, if you have a car and cost of living isn’t too much of a concern then I highly suggest looking into West Hartford. Blue back square is perfect for what u are looking for. Very walkable and safe with plenty of restaurants in the area.


BusinessCat85 OP t1_iwnlhu6 wrote

Yea looking around there rent looks a little crazy, like 1700+ . So Far I have found a couple downtown for about upper 1300-1400's I can afford. 1 Bedroom in a tall building sounds cool.


WeHaSaulFan t1_iwokont wrote

If you don’t locate right in Blue Back Square/the Center, the rents are more reasonable. You might want to look on the Farmington Avenue corridor between WHC and downtown, likewise over near Park Road, which is also a commercial district.


necro_ill-bill t1_iwo84go wrote

Walking to work is safe. Not a lot of people in the downtown downtown. Some sketchy people by the train station but they just want money. I work right next to XL center and the downtown is just pretty sterile, not much going on


ManNomad t1_iwo32eo wrote

Downtown Hartford is small and is kind of shitty other than a few blocks. Go West Hartford. It’s nicer, still very close to downtown Hartford, and just better


BusinessCat85 OP t1_iwocvy1 wrote

I think the most rent I can do is in the 1400s if I got 1500 that would be pushing it


Mackie5Million t1_iwo9l0v wrote

Whatever you do, do not move to a property managed by PMC Property Group. 915 Main St. is an example of one of these.

They are the worst management company in the world. Trust me, avoid it like the plague.


BusinessCat85 OP t1_iwoclbq wrote

Wow, thank you. I was looking at them. Based on reviews, If I can get in 777 main that would be a great spot. Have you heard about that one?


Mackie5Million t1_iwocww8 wrote

777 Main is a dream. I have a friend and coworker who lives there. He adores it.


BusinessCat85 OP t1_iwoczpx wrote

Ok im for sure going to check it out now then thank you!


PhotographAJonson t1_iwoosux wrote

Don’t forget the westend is the best end, drive around the west end of Hartford. People still put out signs on there lawn for rent. Plus it’s super close to WH center.


[deleted] t1_iwpgzvm wrote



BusinessCat85 OP t1_iwpuzjx wrote

Wow, thank you for the detailed post! I am afraid of driving in the snow that's for sure, but I have done it at least a few times. I will be very cautious.

So all in all it sounds like there isnt a lot going on in downtown, and Im okay with that lol. Im going up there to work first, and with a car I can go explore all the cool stuff. I have never been to this area, so I cant wait to check out Boston, NYC, Upstate. I love nature and I hear its very beautiful out there I cant wait!

Thanks again for the great post!


HartfordResident t1_iwrggfh wrote

Downtown Hartford is a wreck these days. You might consider commuting in from a suburb or a neighborhood like the West End of Hartford. Areas like Blue Back Square are pretty walkable, though they have a clear suburban strip mall type feeling to them, in my opinion. Manchester is one area that's a bit more authentic feeling but it's farther away.

If you want to live in a thriving city/downtown, you might consider living in New Haven and taking the train to Hartford, especially if you'd be able to have a hybrid schedule where you don't have to do the commute all 5 days of every week. There's a nice commuter rail service now. You'd have all weekend and every evenings in a good-sized walkable city, and that might be worth it even if the 35 minute train ride is a drag.


BusinessCat85 OP t1_iwrh2jo wrote

Dang that's crazy. Trains are foreign to me, I dont know anything about logistics up there. My big fear of having a commute is driving in snow. Im not 100% sure on my schedule, but if it is hybrid there is no reason to live all that close. Thanks for the insight!


HartfordResident t1_iwrhb23 wrote

A lot of people who work in Hartford live outside the immediate Hartford area, in places like New Haven, the other shoreline towns, Western Massachusetts (Northampton is nice), etc., even towns closer to NYC. The nice thing about New Haven would be the direct train service since it's much more relaxing and cheaper than driving.

If you have to work in Hartford 5 days per week in person though I'd understand why you would want to be close, and would recommend some of the neighborhoods within Hartford itself, but maybe not downtown. It's pretty desolate these days.


BusinessCat85 OP t1_iwrhpin wrote

Thats blowing my mind about the trains. I rode a train once in my life. Im used to 45 min-hour long commutes. If I dont have to work in office everyday I could do an hour commute no prob. One thing I am used to from Texas is long drives hehe.


HartfordResident t1_iwrhsx0 wrote

Connecticut has great trains!


BusinessCat85 OP t1_iwri57k wrote

Im gonna be googling the trains for the rest of the day. I have this vision of taking a train to NYC or Boston for a fun day trip. I cant wait to see all the history and cool stuff. My first stop will be Mark Twain museum!


HartfordResident t1_iwrjsq8 wrote

Cool. One of the other nice things if you choose to live south of Hartford is being able to take the train to NYC on a lark anytime, to catch shows or just walk and bike around, even just to pop into the city for dinner. The trains from New Haven to NYC run more or less 24/7, sometimes as often as every 15 minutes. Less doable from Hartford because the trains don't run quite as late and you have to switch in New Haven, but you could do weekend trips now and then.

Not sure if you've been to NYC but it's better than all the other large cities in the United States combined.


BusinessCat85 OP t1_iwrkcif wrote

I havent, I have been walking around with google maps all morning! I had to learn the 5 boroughs. What I want to know.. is where can I get this famous NY pizza I keep hearing about. I have this strong desire to watch the Disney movie Oliver and Company LOL


HartfordResident t1_iwrklr8 wrote

If you're looking for pizza, you really never have to leave New Haven, but it's fun to walk around Brooklyn and try the different pizza places there that get good reviews too.


dpistachio t1_iwtatmv wrote

I took the train from Hartford to NYC a few weeks ago. Little tight, only had four or five hours in the city, but absolutely doable. Have fun!


CityBird555 t1_iwzw6g1 wrote

I’ve lived downtown for years and I have never not felt safe living here, walking around at all times of the day or night. Just like any other city, including New York City, you just have to be aware of your surroundings and be smart. Don’t leave stuff visible in the back of your car enticing people to break in. Be open to meeting new people and actually doing some research to look for things to do. There is a lot to do here besides just going to restaurants: art shows, festivals, open markets, live music. Check out to get an idea.


BusinessCat85 OP t1_iwzywm3 wrote

Thats some real good advice. I will make sure to keep my car empty. Im worried about having a bunch of stuff in my car while Im still in hotel. Getting extended stay outside of the city until I get moved in. I love art, history, and nature. My first planned tourist spot is mark twain, then I want to go look at all the old buildings. Thanks for the website recommendation Im checking it out now.

Do you think Ill be made fun of for saying Yall and Howdy? Haha Thanks again!


IRoC_IRoll t1_ixb8vya wrote

You may get some “come again?” Or “you ain’t from here, huh?” But I’d be surprised about anyone making fun of you


BusinessCat85 OP t1_ixbb3xh wrote

Haha thanks, I think it will be fun to learn all the differences in food and accents, culture, etc gonna be awesome to meet yall


IRoC_IRoll t1_ixbbjhy wrote

If you like a good drink once your here, stop by Little River Tuesday thru Saturday and ask for Dusty. Very welcoming crowd and often times a pitstop of fellow out of towners I find along with locals


LearnDifferenceBot t1_ixbboz0 wrote

> once your here


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blackiecollins t1_ixwth2u wrote

Welcome to Hartford! Nevermind the haters, downtown is safe, with plenty to do. No grocery store within walking distance though.

I might also recommend the West End - plenty of walkable accommodations plus easy access to downtown via bus or a 5 minute drive.

I'm also from a large (massive) city in Texas; in comparison, Hartford (and the rest of CT) feel tiny and slow. You can get to Boston, NYC, the mountains and/or the shoreline in the time it takes to drive across Houston (a bit longer to the big cities). Lots of Texpats here.


BusinessCat85 OP t1_ixwxa0y wrote

Im here!! I got a hotel on Manchester while i look for a place. So far so good! Food has been good, and I like the taste of the tap water. Tomorrow Im going exploring!


Odd-Discount4834 t1_ixeksgi wrote

I lived in Hartford 21 for the summer and I loved it! The building & parking itself is very secure, but having a car is a huge help when exploring restaurants, going grocery shopping, etc! Walking downtown in that area is perfectly fine, given you aren't going out at odd hours, but I would assume that goes for any city!


kinkyonebay t1_iwpa0u5 wrote

You don't want to live in Hartford. Look at West Hartford or Glastonbury
