Submitted by AbbyStrangMD t3_11n9ezg in IAmA

Dr. Abby Strang here, I am a board-certified pediatric sleep medicine specialist and pulmonologist at Nemours Children’s Health and member of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) Public Safety Committee. You can find my full bio here. View my proof photo here:

Daylight saving time will begin on Sunday, March 12, when most of the U.S. will ‘spring forward’ to daylight time and lose an hour of sleep. This disruptive time change is dangerous and raises many health and accident risks. Based on evidence, it is the position of the AASM that year-round standard time aligns best with human circadian biology and is the best option for our health and well-being.

I am joined by my fellow AASM sleep experts for this IAm/AMA, including the below members. Ask us anything from 8 to 10 p.m. ET tonight:

· Dr. Shannon Sullivan:

· Dr. Amita Goyal:

· Dr. Raj Bhui:

· Dr. Adeel Rishi:

We are here to answer your questions about seasonal time changes and how to adjust to daylight saving time by achieving healthy sleep!

UPDATE: Our daylight saving time AMA has come to an end. Thank you for all of the insightful questions about sleep and daylight saving time! You are welcome to continue chiming in with more questions and we will respond to as many comments as we can. Thank you to all who joined us.



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ITinMN t1_jbm5a9m wrote

I have anxiety, depression, it takes me hours to fall asleep, I've tried all sorts of medications, I didn't even have a cellphone for most of my life, etc. I can't nap, and once I wake up for the day that's generally it, how can I sleep normally?


SnoozeMD t1_jbmmjli wrote

Hi, /u/ITinMN. What you describe sounds exhausting! There are many factors that impact people’s ability to fall and stay asleep and mental health conditions - like the ones you mentioned - are very closely linked to disordered sleep. In fact, they’re so closely linked that negatively-impacted sleep is part of the diagnostic criteria for both conditions!

It also sounds like you have tried many different options and still have hope of finding what works for you. It may be worthwhile to reach out to your family doctor, psychiatrist, or sleep physician and work with them to identify what symptom is causing the greatest impairment and working on improving that as the first step.


Wirraway-Wonderer t1_jbwf8lb wrote

What's the point of this AMA when a common sleep condition like this is answered with: waffle, waffle, see your family doctor, waffle.


Toilet_Punchr t1_jc0wzlp wrote

Making a Diagnose over the internet on Reddit is shady af. You have to be diagnosed more thoroughly. „I have anxiety and depression“ is not enough.


ITinMN t1_jbmmwdt wrote

Yeah, I've worked with (and am continuing to work with) all of the above. Unfortunately, this has pretty much gone on my entire life. And really sucks, since it means I have hours less to do stuff per day than everyone else (and even when I'm up I don't feel very "awake"). Blah.

Thanks for the thoughts.


SnoozeMD t1_jbmqru7 wrote

From having previously lived in Mpls, I appreciate that this can be even more challenging in the winter and I would encourage you to continue working with your team towards improving your mental health and your sleep! There is a bidirectional relationship between mental health and sleep and it can be difficult to know which came first if things have been ongoing for years.


ITinMN t1_jbmr5cs wrote

I've actually only lived in the Twin Cities 3 years (2 in Minneapolis and 1 in St. Paul). These problems followed me from Massachusetts.


oneiria t1_jbq5wbv wrote

Also a behavioral sleep medicine specialist may be a good fit for a case like this.


hairybushy t1_jc73456 wrote

Do as you want, but microdosing with shroom made me help to sleep well. My head stopped running while trying to fall asleep. r/unclebens have a lot of link to help starting with this.

I don't search a debate here, only to show you an option.


requite t1_jbm5f96 wrote

What tips do you have for breaking a bad sleeping pattern (eg. consistently going to sleep too late)?


geno_blast t1_jbm3pny wrote

Is daylight savings going to be removed in the future?


SomnumBene t1_jbm7az1 wrote

Hi geno_blast, the Sunshine Protection Act, which proposed to establish permanent daylight saving time in the US, was reintroduced to the Senate by Senator Marco Rubio of Florida. The bill was passed by the Senate last year before inaction by the House caused it to expire at the end of 2022. The AASM, like many professional medical societies, supports permanent standard time, because evidence has shown it is the better option for health and safety.


[deleted] t1_jbm531o wrote



SomnumBene t1_jbmbxei wrote

That’s a good point! Hours of daylight and darkness are determined by season and location…not the clock on the wall. Interestingly, The U.S. tried permanent daylight saving time before, and it didn’t work out. In December 1973, Congress enacted a two-year trial of year-round daylight saving time in an attempt to reduce energy consumption. It lasted less than one year. Among the reasons for failure was concern about children going to school in the dark during the winter. For much of the country, sunrise would occur at 830am or later in winter under permanent DST.


Zeydon t1_jbqk76f wrote

I assume you're being pedantic due to it being called Daylight Saving Time, but most folks say savings?


blondeandbuddafull t1_jbm6tzv wrote

Is “broken” sleep hard on the body/psyche? For example routinely sleeping three hours, up for four hours, then sleeping another four hours. Or does it count as a good seven hours sleep a night?


1714alpha t1_jbmd8qz wrote

What do you think about people's natural sleep rhythms that don't coincide with the modern 9-5 workday? Do you think the health effects will ever warrant medically necessary legal protection for people who require alternative schedules to function healthily?


MedPedsChief t1_jbmhoqq wrote

Hi 1714alpha: There are certainly people with circadian rhythms that are not typical. Some people like to wake up early in the morning and go to bed early, the so-called larks or early types. Similarly, there are people who tend to wake up late and go to bed late the so-called owls or late types. This does make it harder for these folks to maintain the schedules that are usually dictated by society. Since I am a medical provider, I would defer comment about legal protections.


SnoozeMD t1_jbml7ar wrote

Adding to /u/MedPedsChief/, what you’re describing is something we think of as “social jetlag.” It’s similar to when you fly across multiple time zones and haven’t quite adapted to the local one; given some time and effort with shifting to your new local time zone, your body’s internal clock can sync up. However, with social jetlag, it’s like your body is flying to another timezone and it can be exhausting.

Ultimately, how people choose to reconcile the discrepancy between their internal clock and the one on the wall (mindful of work and social obligations) is a personal choice. If needed, your doctor may be a helpful resource.


rrickitickitavi t1_jbm5xu2 wrote

Do believe that there is a legitimate sleep benefit with CBD and or CBN?


FRiver t1_jbm6rnq wrote

Hello, appreciate your time.

What is your opinion on less common sleeping structures (biphasic, incorporating naps) and how could they be effectively implemented in today's world?

Are there successful examples/studies of individuals or groups currently optimizing sleep in less orthodox ways?


SomnumBene t1_jbmkniu wrote

Dear FRiver: These are interesting topics in human sleep! Regarding napping, while they may occur in a variety of different circumstances, naps may enhance recovery (for example, in athletes) and in some circumstances can counteract the negative effects of partial sleep deprivation. On the other hand, excessive sleepiness during the day resulting in unintentional napping may indicate a sleep disorder. Here are tips and a calculator you may find useful:


Slommyhouse t1_jbmai1d wrote

Why do I sometimes wake up around 3am more awake than my actual wake time around 6am (very tired)?


Provisional_View t1_jbmesjf wrote

You might be a naturally segmented sleeper . Before the invention of artificial lighting, people often slept in two segments at night. You can visit r/polyphasic for some sleep schedules that take advantage of this tendency.


TylerJWhit t1_jbmh1c2 wrote

Any advice for new parents?


AbbyStrangMD OP t1_jbmhvst wrote

Tylerwit, congratulations! Time change can be challenging for both children and adults. In general, I recommend trying to slowly shift your child’s schedule earlier each night before springing forward, and trying to ensure adequate sleep in the week before and after the time change. Try to get plenty of sunshine in the morning and if the weather permits, go for a walk outside in the morning.


clapfootadam t1_jbxngnm wrote

I found "Taking Cara Babies" to be a helpful tool. Our little one (7mo) has great routines and took to sleep training well but only sleeps 8-9 hours max at night. She's been getting up at 4am lately.

There's nothing definitive that has "fixed" this sleep quirk, it's just how our baby is. I found Cara's blog/posts and even her course gave us some good tools, and encouraged us to try sleep training when our little one was getting up every hour on the hour through the night.

Perhaps she can help reclaim some of your lost peace and consecutive sleep!

Good luck and congratulations.


Starfinger10 t1_jbm4ht1 wrote

Is it bad to look at your phone right when you wake up?


SnoozeMD t1_jbmlqc7 wrote

Hi /u/Starfinger10, it depends on what you consider “bad.” For some people, starting out the day with immediate immersion into social media (sorry, Reddit mods!) progresses to affect their activity during the day - and subsequently, their ability to sleep and the quality of that sleep at night. Everyone is different.

What we do know is that bright light exposure in the morning - preferably from the great outdoors (even if it’s just walking from the parking lot into work or school!) - can help keep your body’s clock on track.


Ok-Feedback5604 t1_jbmdmzg wrote

Is it risky to hit the bed 10 minutes after eating?


MedPedsChief t1_jbmiqn3 wrote

Hi Ok-Feedback5604- Don’t eat a large meal before bedtime. If you are hungry at night, eat a light, healthy snack. In reference to healthy sleep habits, I would recommend that you review the AASM page:


SnoozeMD t1_jbmj0dg wrote

Hi, /u/Ok-Feedback5604! Just adding on to Dr. Strang’s response, eating a meal shortly before bed can make some people feel a bit uncomfortable or even experience reflux (an uncomfortable sensation in the stomach or chest related to acid leaking out of the stomach and into the esophagus), affecting their sleep.


BBTB2 t1_jbm5c96 wrote

Are there any known irregular sleeping patterns that appear to have no negative impacts on health i.e. awake for 48 hours straight then sleeping for 14-16 hours? Asking for a friend…


SnoozeMD t1_jbmnevi wrote

Hi, /u/BBTB2! Your friend certainly has an interesting sleep pattern! Our ability to carry out higher (executive) functions is impaired by lack of sleep. The longer we are awake, the bigger our “balloon of sleepiness” gets. At a certain point, the balloon overcomes our drive to remain awake…and we sleep.

In broad strokes, it appears that being awake for 17 hours is similar to having a blood alcohol concentration of 0.05%; at 24 hours, it’s similar to a blood alcohol concentration of 0.10%. Depending on your location, drivers who are intoxicated with alcohol are considered legally impaired anywhere from 0.05%-0.08%. Please do share this with your friend.


/u/SnoozeMD’s friend


BBTB2 t1_jbmy93g wrote

Thanks! I would share with my friend but he's currently sleeping.


SnoozeMD t1_jbp2x3a wrote

I should have seen that coming.


BBTB2 t1_jbqpgtj wrote

Well that’s because you’ve been up over 17 hours and are suffering blurred vision



mixreality t1_jbm7bsl wrote

Is it worth getting a sleep study if medications work when all sleep hygiene/exercise failed.

For example, if you take your medication and go in to a sleep study and sleep great is there any value in it, can you still see something is off?

The sleep study places in my city are 1-2 star ratings out of 5, seems like there are a lot of unhappy people with their sleep study.


SnoozeMD t1_jbmpkj0 wrote

Hi, /u/mixreality! Adding to /u/SomnumBene, improving sleep typically relies on exploring the underlying cause(s)...and there are many different causes!

A thorough assessment is routinely the first step in uncovering factors that may be affecting sleep negatively. Like any other problem in life, it can be challenging to solve a problem without understanding its cause! Specific to sleep studies, these may be one helpful investigation if a doctor strongly suspects certain, specific conditions.


Slommyhouse t1_jbm7iqq wrote

How much of an effect does looking at your phone have on your sleep quality?


MedPedsChief t1_jbma9qs wrote

Hi Slommyhouse: Looking at your phone is generally not recommended when going to bed. The light that comes out of the phone screen can suppress melatonin production inside our body, thus making it hard for us to fall asleep.


SnoozeMD t1_jbmoo8m wrote

Hi, /u/Slommyhouse! Adding to /u/MedPedsChief, the impact is different for everyone and additionally varies by duration, intensity, and frequency of exposure. For example, someone engaged in more stimulating content on their phone in the evening may have more difficulty than someone who only checks their email at noon to look for BestBuy coupons.


deeshack t1_jbm8jmd wrote

What can we do to convince Congress to eliminate DST rather than make it permanent which would be detrimental to health and safety?


AmitaGoyalMD t1_jbmahbn wrote

Hi deeshack! Yes, we agree! Permanent Daylight Saving Time is expected to jeopardize safety (i.e. for children waiting at the bus stop in the dark) and may be detrimental to health (i.e. morning darkness can be especially problematic for those with seasonal affective disorder). Here is another way you can find your local representative to make your thoughts on permanent daylight saving time known:


snap802 t1_jbmdkh9 wrote

Multi part question:

Will you ever give up on standard time? How let down would you feel if the US adopts daylight time? How concerned are you that Congress would just run around and desert measures to go to year round standard time? Do you cry when the time changes to daylight savings? How long until we can truly say goodbye to springing forward? Is daylight savings just a lie that hurts us?


AmitaGoyalMD t1_jbmfyss wrote

Hi snap802 - The AASM advocates for permanent Standard Time. We have actually tried permanent Daylight Saving Time in the past and it did not work. In December 1973, Congress enacted a two-year trial of permanent Daylight Saving Time to try to reduce energy consumption during a nationwide energy crisis. It ended up lasting less than one year because of very strong public opposition. One of the reasons for the opposition was that children were going to school in the dark during the winter. The outcry was so strong that Congress reversed the trial and reinstated Standard Time during the winter months in November 1974. We will not give up on permanent Standard Time!


AbbyStrangMD OP t1_jbmh0cg wrote

Hi snap802, for more detailed information, here is a link to the AASM position statement:

In addition to AASM, many other health organizations feel the same way:

American Medical Association

National Sleep Foundation

Sleep Research Society


Eggman8728 t1_jbmfbmk wrote

What do you think of polyphasic sleep? More specifically, things like the everyman 1 and 2, segmented sleep, etc.


AfroLatinaChiefin t1_jbmh8t0 wrote

I have narcolepsy/cataplexy. I was taking xyrem but looking for an alternative and much cheaper medicine. Is there an alternative for xyrem?


SnoozeMD t1_jbmk76a wrote

Hi, /u/AfroLatinaChiefin! The availability and cost of medications available for treating narcolepsy with cataplexy vary by country severity of symptoms. Narcolepsy is a condition that can be quite distressing and challenging to live with. However, the degree of improvement each person experiences from different medications is unique.

Nowadays, in the US, there are a few medications related to sodium oxybate (Xyrem) that are available and that remains the mainstay of treatment for people who may need more than other medications can provide. One medication - unrelated to Xyrem - that is sometimes used to treat milder forms of cataplexy is a medication called venlafaxine (Effexor); it is commonly used to treat depression and anxiety and can have an activating effect. Overall, the decision about treatment (medication and non-medication) is one that would best be made together with your sleep physician.


noochel t1_jbmn0z5 wrote

How bad is doing night shift for your body? E.g 8pm to 8am?


BrilliantPace7459 t1_jbmbjoz wrote

I always feel so tired the morning after daylight saving you have any tips to help with the dreaded transition so I dont feel so tired on Monday morning?


AmitaGoyalMD t1_jbmcja8 wrote

Hi BrilliantPace7459! Yes, it can certainly feel like a drag on the day of the time change. Some ways you can decrease the effects of “ springing forward”:

  • Try to get at least 7 hours of sleep the night before and the night after the time change.
  • Make the change a bit more gradual by adjusting your bedtime 15-20 minutes earlier each night starting a few nights before the transition.
  • Set your clock ahead one hour on the evening of March 11 so you go to bed at your normal bedtime that evening.
  • Get early morning sunlight in the week after the time change which can help reset your internal clock to the new time.

SomnumBene t1_jbmdbq8 wrote

BrilliantPace7459 - thank you for this observation. Many people report that they are not as refreshed after the switch to DST. This can have a safety impact: “spring forward” is associated with an increase in auto accidents for the week following the switch to DST, including a 6% increase in fatal crashes. Crashes are increased even more on the westward side of each time zone. Stay safe out there!


IAmAModBot t1_jbmc0xw wrote

For more AMAs on this topic, subscribe to r/IAmA_Health, and check out our other topic-specific AMA subreddits here.


Provisional_View t1_jbmcoy1 wrote

What is the general consensus on polyphasic sleep? What are some things that you personally do to mitigate the effects of shifting between DST and ST? What is your biggest hurdle in convincing people who prefer DST that ST is the better option? What are the health effects of not getting enough sunlight in the morning? Do you think teenagers should continue to go to school at 7:00 AM or should they have a delayed start around 10:00 AM?


MedPedsChief t1_jbmdu0f wrote

I can address the school start time part of your question: Teenagers in general have delayed sleep phase meaning that they have a hard time getting up in the morning and feeling awake. There is data to suggest that delaying school start time improves school performance and may reduce the risk of accidents in the morning for these teenagers. There has been movement towards delaying school start time for teenagers across the country. Unfortunately, implementing permanent daylight saving time will undo all this progress.

Here is the AASM position statement on this topic:


SomnumBene t1_jbmf6gu wrote

Regarding health effects of not getting enough sunlight in the morning: Properly timed morning light exposure helps maintain alignment of our body’s circadian rhythm. DST also means it stays light later in the evening, which can signal towards a later bedtime (via biology - such as melatonin release - as well as increased evening social activity, etc). This leads to reduced sleep overall. In fact, DST might reduce sleep time for the duration of DST, not just the first week. CDC has linked sleep deprivation to increased risks of high blood pressure, cancer, heart disease, and obesity, to name a few. Simply said: #sleepisgoodmedicine


BrilliantPace7459 t1_jbmdeau wrote

Why do we change our time twice a year anyways? What's the benefit of keeping one time yearround?


AbbyStrangMD OP t1_jbmf2rd wrote

Great questions, BrilliantPace7459. Since 1966, all states in the U.S. were standardized to change clocks twice yearly to maintain consistency. The science is clear that Daylight Saving Time has a negative impact on our health because it is misaligned with our body’s natural circadian rhythm. Changing clocks and especially “springing forward” has many health risks including increased risk of motor vehicle accidents, cardiovascular accidents, stroke, and medical errors. For this reason, the AASM advocates for permanent standard time.


BrilliantPace7459 t1_jbmfwhs wrote

I didnt know that,thank you! Doesn't Arizona not change their time though? Why is that


SomnumBene t1_jbmgnhe wrote

Back in '66, there was an opt-out opportunity built in to the law. Hawaii is also on pST, for example. Aloha!


gone_internal t1_jbmmyx1 wrote

I've heard that mishap rates increase the day after a time change, particularly in spring. Is that actually true? If so how long does that effect last?


SnoozeMD t1_jbmrwo5 wrote

Hi, /u/gone_internal! You are correct - "springing forward" is particularly challenging and involves the loss of one hour of sleep. This is associated with an increased risk of motor vehicle collisions, heart attacks, strokes, mood disorders, and even substance use and suicide. The duration varies with each effect, though there is some evidence that we struggle to adapt to some of the effects even months after this change.


jgreen9494 t1_jbmph1p wrote

Hey this actually perfect timing, I'm reviewing a section on Sleep in my neuroscience class. Why would you say it's so difficult to study the effects of disrupted REM in individuals? Is sleep fragmentation really the best way we can study REM deprivation? Or is there a better method?


QueenofLeftovers t1_jbmq26u wrote

I had heard that taking naps at a certain window of time in the afternoon (say between 2-4pm) boosts HGH production, and is used by athletes to maximize strength/recovery vs other hrs of the afternoon.
And regularly being awake at the opposite end (3am) is detrimental because you don't experience the HGH/recovery benefit, even if you're sleeping well during other hours.
Does this idea have any validity? Or does it not matter as long as you're getting good quality, uninterrupted sleep?


bulletmissile t1_jbmqro5 wrote

In my experience rigorous excercise helps me sleep solid.

Is there a best time of day to do that to maximize my sleep? Like not too close to bedtime?


SarahJayneBritney t1_jbn0rki wrote

Hi there. Not a question about daylight savings but rather my own sleep. I was diagnosed with Parasomnia 10 years ago after I stayed at a sleep clinic and woke up about 200 times in a night. I take medication for it but despite that I am constantly tired and half awake throughout the night. I wake myself up talking/yelling/ thrashing around all the time. Is there anything I could possibly do to help myself sleep better? I practice good sleep hygiene as much as I can etc.


thatotherchicka t1_jbo21hy wrote

What medications do they have you on? Are you working with a sleep specialist or GP?


SarahJayneBritney t1_jbqcrln wrote

I take clonazepam given to me by my sleep doctor. I have no trouble falling asleep only staying asleep really and the meds keep me asleep but I know they’re very addictive so I don’t like to take them daily


thatotherchicka t1_jbqkhgb wrote

Maybe they can supplement or replace the clonazepam with something non-addictive? Perhaps something like doxepin or trazadone?


SarahJayneBritney t1_jbqkp2i wrote

Neither of those medications are available in my country


thatotherchicka t1_jbql9eh wrote

:( I'm sorry. Maybe if you talk to your sleep doctor they can figure out something else they can give you.


SarahJayneBritney t1_jbrb4ui wrote

It’s probably worth a go! I appreciate you taking the time to suggest things to me:) thank you


UdnasNavzar t1_jbnai5j wrote

Hy I've had this problem i think all my life. I can fall asleep anywere if i let myself but i seem to go into REM sleep instantly and i wake up directly from REM sleep. Given this i find that even if i am woke up it gets me a few seconds to minutes to shake of the dream as in i hallucinate parts of the dream ... things and ppl and creatures i dream populate the real word for a time until they disipate. That sounds all fun and game and it certainly made for some funny situations in the past for the ppl around me (showing things that arent there making them look at a blank wall so that they could see what i see etc.) But now i have a child and i haven't taken care of her during the night just in case i wake up and hallucinate something and act accordingly. Is this just some active imagination or am i doing something wrong?


devil-xx t1_jbnliui wrote

What can be the long term effect of being a night owl and how to shift it to being an early riser ?


realgamer1998 t1_jbnpifs wrote

Do newborn babies dream? If yes, then what do they dream about? Considering their brains are empty and devoid of any information, memory or life experience.


greenmachine11235 t1_jbp8b2g wrote

Not related to DST but it's that time year so, how does coughing from allergies or having a stuffy nose impact sleep?


kermit639 t1_jbpitf5 wrote

What do you think of beds so-called smart beds, for example, Sleep Number beds? Do they really improve sleep that much? Are they really worth the extra money?


shiivaaa t1_jbpk6i1 wrote

I work in restaurant management (F&B), and routinely finish work at midnight - 1.00am. I'm back at the restaurant at 11am at the latest, often earlier for meetings. This is a 6 day per week schedule for me, and I always try to make the most of my 1 day off per week.

What are your recommendations for to get consistent rest during sleeping hours of 3-6 hours per night?


Masek_Kiel t1_jbpmxwa wrote

In my dreams I can have extensive realistic discussions with other people about complex topics. How can the brain simulate multiple persons with plausible behavior?


Helldiver-sweat t1_jbposu3 wrote

A bit passed the AMA ... and not exactly related to daylight savings...

but what are your thoughts on the effects of rotating shift work compared to daylight savings?


ie: I work 12 hour shifts that rotate between day shifts and night shifts.. I work on a 2-2-3 rotation.. (2 days on.. 2 days off.. 3 nights on... 2 days off.. 2 days on 3 days off... repeat)

so every few days my sleep cycle changes by 12 hours... I've been working this schedule for 12 years and am pretty much burned out at this point...


ipsissimus666 t1_jbq0yw0 wrote

Do you have advice for how people can protect their ‘sleep health’ when they are unable to sleep in a bed regularly?

I sleep in a vehicle and I’ve think I racked up a considerable ‘sleep debt’ between work and stress from not having a place.

What steps can we take to help ourselves when chronically sleep deprived and unable to afford treatment?


mli t1_jbq4saf wrote

Is there oral drug that improves your deep sleep?


GildedCurves t1_jbqawf4 wrote

How do you transition the baby to the toddler bed? What age? How do you keep them asleep in their own bed? I have an 18 month old and I’m thinking of transitioning from crib to bed

Thank you!


Bowser7717 t1_jbqqpdd wrote

That's still so little, neither of mine were in a toddler bed on their own at 18mo.


GildedCurves t1_jbrghfm wrote

It’s giving them the tools to be independent, if it doesn’t work out then it doesn’t work out. However, if it does and it helps them to thrive; then I’m all for it. Every child is different. My kids already halfway to potty trained and she has her own room and sleeps on her own by 7:30/8. Do what works for you and your family, but give them options as well.


Sleepiboisleep t1_jbqci81 wrote

What is the importance of daylight savings time and why do we use it? Are we not one of the only countries to do so?


zenkei18 t1_jbqho3e wrote

If i only sleep for like 5 hours a night from the time i am 27 for the next 10 years what kind of lasting damage are we talking about? Asking for a friend..


Alert-Wishbone9032 t1_jbqhuow wrote

Why is it that you might fall asleep for 1-3hours, but then wake yourself up and not be able to sleep, or at max doze, for the next 3-4, hours? Maybe only sleeping for the last 30mins-1hour.


-Nearby-Risk- t1_jbqrl0m wrote

I wake up most nights at either 2 or 4, sometimes both. But I must ask, can sleep issues be hormone related? Hormonal test results are always coming back as 'normal'. I feel like we're missing a part of tge puzzle that's stopping me from getting a good rest and feeling better energy-wise.


Raioc2436 t1_jbr3ebd wrote

Is there any research on the sleep quality when using weed as aid for sleep?


supertexter t1_jbsbdk6 wrote

What's your opinion on the "Why we sleep" book?


flyingcanuck00 t1_jbt1lkr wrote

I'm a seafarer who works 6 on 6 off, is there any tips for minimizing the health issues associated?


Spikytoy t1_jbugnqt wrote

Hopefully this isn’t too late, I used to get restless legs and gut when I was a kid and then had an episode that lasted over a week a few months ago. It’s awful! What causes it and how can I stop it to let me sleep? I really don’t want it to happen again


bigmikey69er t1_jbwl0w4 wrote

I’ll often hear others lament that they “lose” an hour of sleep because of the time change. Why…why don’t they just sleep an hour longer???


MrM935676 t1_jbxms87 wrote

In order to prevent shoulder and neck pain what is the most ideal sleeping position?


TheGrandGarchomp445 t1_jc4r5da wrote

What would you say are the three most impactful techniques for lucid dreaming that do not involve getting up in the middle of the night?